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HomeIssue 43CLP and ALP, both dole out the mushroom treatment

CLP and ALP, both dole out the mushroom treatment


What do the NT Government and Opposition have in common? They avoid answering probing media questions whenever they can.

On October 6 a CLP minder announced Braitling MLA Joshua Burgoyne and Namatjira MLA  Bill Yan had “penned” a letter to Chief Minister Michael Gunner about “harsher penalties for repeat offenders and [demanding] that youth community work programs will be implemented to tackle young offenders” and quoting a resident that “me and my three neighbours got invaded last night – my deceased husband’s car stolen and torched.”

On October 22 Mr Burgoyne (at right, campaign photo supplied), again via a minder, said the government “must immediately implement the anti-crime measures it committed to in June … how long do we have to wait? How many people have to be injured before the Government will follow through”.

On October 23 the same “Communications Adviser” quotes new Barkly Member Steve Edgington as saying “unacceptable behaviour has been rife … for years” with assaults up 24%, alcohol related assaults up 46%, property damage up 27% and domestic violence related assaults up 46%.

And so the hand wringing goes on while the CLP continues peddling generalities, and elected politicians are hiding behind the door.

On October 24 we raised this with the Opposition’s only urban Member in The Centre, Mr  Burgoyne, seeking an interview with him in the wake of the fatal hit and run, pointing to the CLP releases which are “vague and repetitive. I’d like to talk with you as a local Member in detail about the Opposition’s crime policies”.

Not only did Mr Burgoyne not front up for an interview, he didn’t even reply to our email nor text on the same day.

“What are the major initiatives you are advocating?” we asked.

“What social science are they based on? Please name the key five or so studies and their authors you are relying on. 

“What is the public opinion about these initiatives and how is it being ascertained, for example, by surveys, and what do they show?

“What is the initiatives’ cost and time frame?

“What do evaluations of similar initiatives elsewhere show (name the sources, please).

“Is the role of the police merely responding to crime?

“Do they also have an obligation to protect children from harm, and if so how in the current Alice Springs reality is that being done?

“Give figures, please (numbers of kids, what actions, what results, especially any recidivism),” we asked.

“We have in the police southern command, per head of population, three times as many police officers compared to the national average. I will ask you to comment.

“I’m not interested in written replies. I am asking for a conversation, as most answers are likely to beg another question. I’m not prepared to accept hearsay and stuff from intermediaries, and as you would be the source, I need to talk to you. 

“I’d like to do it on this weekend while the tragedy (the death of hit and run victim Shane Powell) is still new.”

Mr Burgoyne remains mum.

Photo at top: The way they like it – nice pictures, no words. Mr Burgoyne is the third from the left. Source: CLP website.


  1. Why do you blame refugees, travellers, those of other languages such as Australian for everything including the crime rate of the Indigenous?
    Blame yourselves whatever your background is. You get more “lazy cash” than we do.
    You do not follow the way of your forefathers and foremothers your own seniors, their stories.
    You with full knowledge and free will commit acts of Indigenous “treason” in secret places.
    Yes I have the right to say this, for it has happened to me.
    I could prove how I have been so threatened, hurt and abused. I will not comment on the actual incidents that some Indigenous are involved in and commit on a regular basis daily.
    Well here I am speaking out not only one my own behalf but for others also.
    Face yourselves, rehabilitate yourselves legally as Indigenous.
    This is nonsense, never blame anyone else no matter their race faith land of birth or as a travellers.
    Do demons rule, never say that is magic in ceremony wearing ceremonials, chat is coercion, some say so do you really believe the majority are like this? No, I do not.
    Behave yourselves. How dare you say this Australia is at war and that it will be if I do not behave and that you have taken my dreams got everything out of me and taken everything and every one of Hi Mumma Mariana. Yeah, that’s rooms sort of, said word once.


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