Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The freedom of the press still furnishes that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide – Chicago Tribune.

HomeIssue 14NT at the bottom of the barrel

NT at the bottom of the barrel

Sir – CommSec’s State of the States report for July 2019 paints a grim picture for Territorians, again ranking the Northern Territory last out of the eight jurisdictions.
The Territory was again at the bottom of the pile for overall economic conditions, and ranked seventh for economic growth, and only because of the Inpex project.
The NT is the only jurisdiction to record negative retail spending, down 1.7% on the decade average. If we didn’t have Inpex exporting gas, we’d have almost nothing.
New equipment investment in the Territory down 3.5% on a year ago, the trend of economic growth is down 5.4% annually and employment is down 6.6% for the year to end June 2019.
It is also also disappointing that the Territory’s population shrank by 0.41% over the past year – the biggest decline in 36 years of quarterly records.
This population decline is on the back of the multimillion dollar Boundless Possible campaign, and an alleged population plan which the Chief Minister keeps spruiking, so clearly the economic conditions are so bad here, that you can’t pay people to move here, and that is just sad.
Opposition Leader Gary Higgins


  1. What is sad, Gary, is the part you and the CLP played during the last term of Government.
    Put your hand up and take some responsibility for the current status quo.

  2. Ironic, I suggest, that the gas INPEX is exporting from the Territory actually doesn’t come from here. I hasten to add my comment is just an observation of the current situation, not an argument one way or the other about potential gas reserves in the NT.

  3. So what. Making most money doesn’t always mean most prosperous.
    Greed often destroys natural beauty and true freedom.
    Leave NT alone.


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