Monday, June 17, 2024

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HomeIssue 31Preference votes confirm Bonanni victory

Preference votes confirm Bonanni victory

Following distribution of preferences last night Kylie Bonanni has maintained her decisive lead to be elected to the Alice Springs Town Council, filling the vacancy left by Geoff Booth.
She joins a council dominated by long-term middle-aged locals and small business interests. While the notably younger representatives on council, Jade Kudrenko and Chansey Paech, are also long-term locals, they are the exceptions to the mould in terms of their employment at the Central Land Council and CAAMA respectively.
Despite her complaints of being excluded from preference deals amongst the male candidates – the subject of the Centralian Advocate’s front page report on the final day of the campaign – Mrs Bonanni received a reasonable flow of preferences from the first two candidates eliminated, Colin Furphy and Edan Baxter, and a significant majority of preferences from John Bridgefoot. It shows that voters were making up their own minds when it came to their choices from the field of five.
After distribution of preferences she was elected with 5369 votes, with the nearest contender, Matty Day, on 3336.
Mr Day received 161 preferences from Mr Furphy, Mrs Bonanni 115, Mr Bridgefoot 64. Mr Baxter’s preferences went to Mr Day (334), Mrs Bonanni (222), Mr Bridgefoot (160). Mr Bridgefoot’s went Mrs Bonanni (664), Mr Day (419).
Council candidate well placed to boost tourism


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