Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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HomeIssue 41Gunner move stinks of arrogance and hubris: Finocchiaro

Gunner move stinks of arrogance and hubris: Finocchiaro

“The Gunner Government hides from scrutiny” says Robyn Lambley, Independent Member for Araluen, while Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro thunders that a move by the Chief Minister “stinks of arrogance and hubris” when the Labor Government shut down the legislative scrutiny committee on the first day of the new Territory Parliament.

Mr Gunner “has scrapped the only opportunity the non-Government members will have this week to speak about the issues that matter for their constituents.

“What matters to the people of Alice Springs is the level of crime taking over our town” but the first opportunity to raise this will now be on November 11, says Ms Lambley in a media release.

“This will erode democracy in the NT. These decisions are about a Government hiding from scrutiny and not wanting to be held to account.”

“We all know the Gunner Labor Government is scared of scrutiny, but this takes the cake,” says Ms Finocchiaro in a release.

“They just want to sneak legislation through the Parliament under the cover of darkness without checks and balances. We saw this earlier in 2020 when the Government blamed the COVID-19 crisis to rush legislation through.

“Additionally, the Government is also increasing the number of Dorothy Dixer questions during question time, bringing them back on sitting Wednesdays.”

PHOTO: Ms Lambley (at left) and Ms Finocchiaro.


  1. Mr. Gunner is a straw man of little substance. Surely there is one subordinate so called Minister that could challenge him. The Territory wont survive another four years under dodger Gunner.

  2. You do not need to be a politician to see the devastation caused by crime in Alice Springs.
    People are becoming scared of how they now need to live their lives.
    Our homes regardless how secure we make them are invaded.
    Cars are stolen and destroyed.
    Now we have one death from this behaviour, do we need more deaths to make the government wake up and take responsibility?
    The police do a great job, but if the criminals of whatever age are not responsible, how are things going to get better for the greater good of the residents of Alice Springs?

  3. Gunner is in power, because he was elected. Whilst his performance shows he does’t give a rats about Alice Springs crime, but he was elected anyway.
    The majority of the voters, either have very short memories or are very naive.
    Those who voted for him relinquished their right to complain about his behavior when they ticked the box.


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