The Independent Member for Araluen, Robyn Lambley (pictured), says she is launching “a formal written petition in the format required by the NT Legislative Assembly” to introduce a youth curfew in Alice Springs.
“It will be formally presented to Parliament and as such must be formally responded to by government,” she says, after an online petition received support from more than 3000 people but was taken down by Facebook for “technical reasons”.
Ms Lambley says in a media release: “I hope that Alice Springs people get behind this and we get many thousands of signatures.
“People have had enough of this relentless crime wave we have been experiencing.”
Ms Lambley says in September last year a motion from her for a youth curfew Alice Springs was fully debated but finally defeated.
“Over the past six months the Gunner Government and the Alice Springs Town Council have both rejected the idea of a Youth Curfew for Alice Springs.
“There is plenty of evidence that youth curfews operate successfully all around the world.
“The Perth CBD curfew has operated successfully since 2003. There is absolutely no reason why a youth curfew cannot work in Alice Springs.
“Taking children off the streets of Alice Springs at night is an incredibly caring thing to do.
“It will provide greater safety for the kids and greater safety for the whole community [and will] force parents to take responsibility for their children – something that is seriously lacking at the moment.”
Ms Lambley says petitions can be signed or forms picked up from her Araluen electorate office.
Great work Member for Araluen Robyn Lambley.
We need to support Robyn Lambley if we are really serious about making Alice Springs a family friendly place to live. Way too much crime for a town of its size.
I feel Mr Ryan should have done the same but did not come out in support as he should have, the people see all of the Mr Ryan. The CLP should be asking on bended knee for Robyn Lambley to come. The proof of what a person does is not in the rhetoric but in ACTION.
What happened to the great Men from WWII? They would not have stood for this rubbish on the streets.
Therefore, support your police officers and encourage them with the greatest respect for their most difficult job that they carry each day.
Three cheers for Robyn Lambley and I just donated to Police Legacy, it’s all in a day’s job for Australia’s most gallant NT police officers!