Thursday, February 13, 2025

The freedom of the press still furnishes that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide – Chicago Tribune.

HomeIssue 7Vowles should lead govt. on 'all important matters' – Melky

Vowles should lead govt. on 'all important matters' – Melky

p2122-Eli-Melkyp2106ken-vowles-110x150LETTER TO THE EDITOR
Sir – When the Chief Minister of the NT calls our Town Council dysfunctional one must pause for a moment and reflect, particularly if you are one of those councillors at whom he aims his arrow.
So after a few moments of reflection I decided that a response is well and truly in order here.
On the contrary, Chief Minister, this council, while it has had its issues, and no-one more than I have called them out, you are wrong on this occasion.
This council is unanimous in the decision to say no to working with NT Government to transition of ownership of Lot 678 Wills Terrace [Anzac Oval]  to make the NT Government the new owner.
I don’t wish to trade barbs with you, however I feel this is a classic occasion of the pot calling the kettle black.
With this type of leadership I fear we are out of the frying pan and into the fire.
If this is the best kind of leadership that this government can produce then God help us all.
To your reference that we vote five to four and four to five, well, CM, last time I checked a decision of council is made by a majority. A heads up, CM, four to five is not a majority.
The other fact you seem to overlook in your haste to have a go at others is that we still live in a democracy.
In a democracy where there are nine elected members, there is a real possibility that you will get different views.
Rest assured however, once a decision is made by the majority, then that decision is law.
Perhaps the most concerning issue in this whole saga regarding the National Aboriginal Art Gallery is the decision not to involve the Minister for Indigenous affairs Ken Vowles (top right).
This indicates a leadership issue at government level: Not involving the relevant ministers to lead on projects of great importance such as the National Aboriginal Art Gallery can only serve to make matters confusing.
It is my understanding that Ken Vowles, across his portfolios, has proven results with the kind of leadership qualities needed to lead this government towards the right outcome.
He is no stranger to the Alice, spending a great deal of time living and playing sport.
We need more leadership that is transparent and unifying with the community at heart and less of what we have now.
Ken Vowles must be given the opportunity to lead government on all matters of importance.
Eli Melky (top, left)
Councillor, Alice Springs


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