Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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HomeIssue 1Plans to turn Memo Club into Aboriginal 'health hub'

Plans to turn Memo Club into Aboriginal 'health hub'

p2404 memo club 1
p2404 memo club 2By ERWIN CHLANDA
The Memo Club’s bowling green will become a carpark (at right in the image) if a development application by the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress is approved.
The carpark is part of a $3.6m project to develop a “health hub” which will see the historic community club and watering hole turned into “offices, medical clinic and community centre”.
The development consent application, up for public comment until February 3, is being made with the permission from the Centrecorp Aboriginal Investment Corporation Pty Ltd, as trustee for the Central Aboriginal Charitable Trust, the owners of the land, according to documents accompanying the application.
The Memo Club was for decades one of the town’s most popular entertainment spots, going back to the World War II years, until it went into voluntary administration in 2012.
When it reopened as a licensed venue under its current ownership it became notorious for brawls inside and in surrounding streets, until the current owners shut it down.


  1. Any chance of saving the bowling green? Bowling is a popular sport enjoyed across the age groups and provides a health benefit to all who partake.
    Unless I’m mistaken this is the last venue still operational in Alice. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  2. The NT government invested $1.5m to build a new facility at the golf club. Go have a look, it is a great facility. I believe the bowling club and golf club were / are in negotiations to move there. The funding was provided so that the bowlers could have an even better facility.

  3. The plans I heard were for the original club to remain, a bit of inter club rivalry would have been good.
    The bowling and meal promo on New Year’s Eve saw the golf club packed, and I think the idea introduced many people to the sport.
    It would be a shame for it to return to only one club for the town.
    Either way I hope a whole new generation gets to be involved in a sport that for so long has been seen as an older person’s sport.
    It is attracting a younger and younger audience, and is a skilful and enjoyable healthy sport. What a fantastic new venue we have to use now.
    On another thing, I saw Steve Brown mention a vision of having a restaurant at the top of the new court house.
    Wow, what a view that would be, no rock throwers, no ram raiders and no break and enters that high up.
    I’m sure a restaurant tourist lookout would be much more practical for the top floor rather than a judge’s chamber. Surely the government could make the changes and over-rule what the judges might want.

  4. Are there not enough medical facilities around the town already for Aboriginal health?
    Or are these going to be closed down and will we have only the one facility? I doubt it. Eg: Flynn Drive, dialysis centre, central land council medical centres etc.
    This will be more wasted money. Teaching them hygiene would be a start.

  5. The Memorial Club bowling green was the first one in the Northern Territory, officially opened on November 1, 1958.
    Bernie Kilgariff was the president of the Memorial Club at the time, and Aileen Kilgariff delivered the first jack.

  6. Wonderful memories of the Memorial Club. The first two Fourth of July parties 1955/56. Many nights dancing and meeting wonderful Aussies. Good on ya, mates!

  7. What happened to the Bowling Club further down on Gap Road? It was in a rough state when I was last there in 09.

  8. Fred the Philistine: You make a good point when you say that there are enough medical facilities around the town already for Aboriginal health.
    The dilemma is that if all Aboriginal people needing medical assistance such as diabetics used medical services the existing services could be justified.
    As it is the rare diabetic who regularly has his blood sugar checked, gets dietary advice etc is easily able to get access.
    However 90% don’t seek regular medical services and only do so in an emergency.
    So the hospital is full and Aboriginal medical services are underused.
    The $41m provided to run Congress every year is largely a waste of money in terms of outcomes though they would say that they are working to change behaviour and this is a long term project.
    Personally I think that there are enough Aboriginal medical services in town and they are probably overfunded.
    Extra resources for the hospital is a better option.

  9. Why is it that Alice Springs is only able to cater for the Aboriginals? Is Congress closed down?
    It is about time some commonsense prevailed – are Aboriginals too unintelligent to learn how to behave properly? They destroy their own race in the end because of their silly obnoxious behaviour – pity that the ones who actually get somewhere have to be pulled back by the no-hopers.
    People get sick of it.
    Outsiders are getting to know that anyone who is not Aboriginal does not have a hope of getting work in this town, which in the end will make it a ghost town.
    The attitude that only the Aboriginals matter is destroying not only business in this town but the Aboriginal race itself.
    If the police think they are only here for the Aboriginals then they too need to be taught their job as they are the laughing stock of the country.


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