Inquiry must examine alcohol harms across entire community


Sir, Aboriginal Peak Organisations of the NT (APO NT) support a wide ranging Parliamentary Inquiry into alcohol announced by the Federal Government this week.
APO NT commends the Government for announcing a broad inquiry which will take a comprehensive approach to tackling alcohol abuse.
For too long our families and our communities have witnessed the destructive effects of alcohol. We need real change to prevent further alcohol related harm to our children and young people.
Alcohol related harm affects the whole the community. We believe it is important that this inquiry has a broad remit to examine alcohol related harms across the entire community.
APO NT previously called for an inquiry which will provide a way forward for action by communities, professionals, and government to work together to solve the problems of alcohol related harm in our communities.
Expert evidence tells us that piecemeal solutions which only address part of the alcohol problem are ineffective. As we heard at our Grog Summits, solutions to the harm caused by alcohol must be holistic if they are to be effective.
We need recommendations that cover effective alcohol supply controls as well as strong preventative and early intervention measures that address harm minimisation and the need to reduce the demand for alcohol consumption.
The inquiry should provide a roadmap based on alcohol policy evidence not on politics, nor the financial interests of the liquor industry.
This inquiry presents an opportunity to objectively examine what works, and what doesn’t work in addressing alcohol related harms across the whole community.”
And we hope that the Inquiry will enable the development a comprehensive plan for tackling that harm.
John Paterson
APO NT spokesperson


  1. The only way to fix this problem is to get some real spirit back into the community – not the sort that disappears down the Alimentary Canal!


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