Saturday, September 14, 2024

The freedom of the press still furnishes that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide – Chicago Tribune.

HomeIssue 40They're getting hungry – or thirsty!

They're getting hungry – or thirsty!

This is one of four dingoes Alan Stockwell saw at 7am today when he went for a walk in Kurrajong Drive, at its northern bend where a scout hall was planned some years ago.
The disconcerting thing was, the four were following, within 40 or 50 metres, a woman pushing a pram, with a dog on the leash.
She was unaware of the four predators nearby, which were clearly interested in making a meal of her puppy, says Alan.
He shooed the dingoes off and they scampered into the scrub on the northern side of the street – but not before one of them made a dash across the road to see if he could get into the front yard of a house. It was too securely fenced for him to succeed.


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