Council to introduce kerbside recycling


The Alice Springs Town Council has accepted a tender for the provision of a kerbside waste and recycling collection service.
To date, Alice Springs residents have either personally delivered their household recyclables to the Regional Waste Management Facility, or contracted a third party.
Council’s kerbside service will simplify the process, and divert additional waste from landfill (pictured).
From July 1, 2018, all rate paying non-rural properties in Alice Springs will receive a yellow-lidded 240 litre wheelie bin for recyclable items, which will be collected fortnightly.
Existing 240 litre general waste bins will continue to be collected on a weekly basis.
The fee for this additional service in the 2018/19 financial year will be $60 to relevant rate paying properties, along with existing waste management charges.
This is both a financially and morally responsible decision, which has been under active consideration for over twelve months.
For a town so distant from any major port or manufacturing centre, achieving a viable kerbside recycling service really is a fantastic outcome.
Council is committed to managing the community’s resources effectively and responsibly. Diverting recyclables from the waste stream will extend the lifespan of our landfill site, saving Council and the community costs in the long term. It’s our children and grandchildren who will benefit the most from this outcome.
Today we’re also releasing our draft 2018 – 2021 Strategic Plan outlining Council’s objectives for Alice Springs to be a dynamic community, a great place to live, and a leader in sustainability.
Among other things, the plan outlines Council’s goal to reduce the community’s waste by 5% per annum over the next four years. We will also be ensuring that Council’s facilities are powered by 50% renewable energy by the end of 2021.
Have a look at the plan on Council’s website, and let us know what they think.
Mayor Damien Ryan


  1. Excellent, but why do we have to be charged for it? What if we do not want it? Quote: “Diverting recyclables from the waste stream will extend the lifespan of our landfill site, saving Council and the community costs in the long term.”
    Are we paying for our own savings? Who is really the beneficiary of the scheme?

  2. If all the glass and aluminium cans have a value, surely the value of this would outweigh the need for an extra charge of $60.
    As Evelyne said, it seems we are being charged to save our council money.

  3. Perhaps the 2016-17 budget surplus could be used to cover these costs instead of levying an extra charge.
    Waiting for the minutes of last week’s council meeting to be published to see what was discussed about this, but alarmingly it appears it may have spilled over into the Confidential section?

  4. To add insult to injury, our Councillors “urge residents to mow their front verges”. My fees are $40 an hour to cover time and equipment!
    I remember the seventies where residents were responsible for their kerbside. Then the Council decided to do the job for a rise in the rates, naturally!
    If the Council has the money to deal with the overgrowth it can hire subcontractors.
    PS: Up to now I have kept my footpath free of weeds, but it was my wishes not the wishes of the Councillors.

  5. Pete? Confidential section? Please explain! In my opinion, Council should not have confidential section.
    They are elected by us and working for us but that does not give the right to have secrets from us. Councillors should keep in mind that they are our employees, as we are paying their wages.
    We do not want to be kept in the dark, as we are not mushrooms, but as ratepayers we are share holders and have rights. Like a French will say: “The kings are kings because we let them be kings.”


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