Thursday, February 13, 2025

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HomeIssue 5Gunner's web flyers broke law: Lambley

Gunner's web flyers broke law: Lambley

p2351 Robyn Lambley OKLETTER TO THE EDITOR
Sir – The Auditor General has confirmed today that the Gunner Government’s cheap political stunt, sending out defamatory and misleading electronic flyers from Parliament House on May 10, was in complete contravention of the Public Information Act.
The Government sent out a range of tacky political flyers, including a nasty portrayal of some politicians including myself. These “electronic flyers” were posted on the Facebook pages of the Chief Minister and the Member for Braitling.
I immediately called them out in Parliament and undertook to refer this matter to the Auditor General for investigation, which I did on May 12.
Today it has been confirmed that these “electronic flyers” produced by the Government were not lawful. They contravened the Northern Territory Public Information Act on seven counts pertaining to Section 6 (2)(c) and Regulation Part 2,Section 4(c).
The Chief Minister should make a full apology to the people of the Northern Territory for producing and distributing this derogatory and offensive political propaganda at the tax payer’s expense. He should also immediately reimburse tax payers for all costs involved in his political stunt that has seriously backfired.
Robyn Lambley
Independent Member for Araluen


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