Thursday, September 19, 2024

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HomeIssue 15Government breaks promise on police

Government breaks promise on police

p2296-police-numbersLETTER TO THE EDITOR
Sir – We are calling on the Northern Territory Government to come clean on breaking its own promise to the Territory’s police officers and community.
Prior to and post-election in 2012, the Country Liberal Party promised the Northern Territory 120 additional police officers, to be delivered by a CLP-imposed deadline of August 2014.
The Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES) Annual Report (2014-2015) circulated this week, however shows that police numbers have declined further.
The report shows a total 1397.79 full time equivalent (FTE) police officers were on the books for the 2014-2015 financial year, in comparison to the 2013-2014 figures reporting 1406.10 FTE and 1451.08 in 2012-2013.
Our members – the hardworking police who put their lives at risk to serve and protect the community – deserve better than failed promises and under delivery clouded by political spin.
As it is, frontline response policing is already stretched beyond its capabilities.  Police are being pressured to work extreme amounts of overtime, continue to staff Temporary Beat Locations at liquor outlets in Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Katherine, and can’t fill relief positions at remote stations because of personnel shortages.
All of this impacts on the health and wellbeing of those very people engaged to protect our community.  It simply isn’t good enough.
The NT population is increasing and the amount of Police Officers is decreasing, what sort of logic is that?
Paul McCue
President, Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA)


  1. It is no wonder the police are leaving because all they are really doing is babysitting the indigenous people.
    Let them be police and give them more power, by issuing more tickets and acting like professional police.
    After a period of time, always being the baby sitter, the novelty wears off and after a period of time they realise they have achieved little.
    If crime rates have fallen, do we need to employ any more?

  2. Yes, Alice Springs needs more Police, but will not change recent incident which I find needs to be mentioned. Not unique or uncommon. That’s why I’m bringing issue up.
    Man left unconscious on Alice Springs road.
    A man has been left unconscious on an Alice Springs road after being robbed and assaulted by a gang of teenagers.
    The three teens – aged 13, 17 and 18 – allegedly assaulted the 36-year-old, and stole his wallet, phone and car keys early on Thursday morning.
    The victim was hospitalised and the teenagers later charged with robbery.
    The 13-year-old and 18-year-old will appear in court in Alice Springs on Friday while the 17-year-old was bailed to appear in court on November 20.
    Following last week’s terrorist attack in Paris, French President François Hollande announced his intention of employing the guillotine to execute terrorists.
    Now I am sick and tired of violent crimes being committed in Alice Springs and the offenders getting minor sentence.
    I believe innocent people of Alice Springs are being terrorised by juvenile, adult offenders who will only change their behaviour by harsher penalties.
    Just something to think about. How would you feel if a family member was bashed unconscious and robbed of their valuables.
    Please, someone in power please introduce harsher penalties. Maybe not guillotine, but you get my point.

  3. Just another in a very long trail of broken promises and sly tricks. It makes you wonder how Giles, Elferink and Tollner can each look themselves in the eye in the mirror each morning. Maybe they can’t.

  4. You missed Palmerston and Darwin Paul McCue in comment of TBL officers.
    Two officers in a supermarket in Palmerston were alerted by an “off duty” officer that a wanted felon was heading out of the complex.
    They refused to leave their post under threat of superiors / government orders. Off duty policeman followed felon and held him whilst using his own mobile phone to ring the Palmerston police station just 300 meters away to come and take charge.
    TBL officers continued to ask customers “have you had anything to drink today?”. No Sir. Then off to the new Farrar bushland drinking camp.


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