The decision to cancel Tiger flights was sudden and unexpected from all parties in Central Australia, says Jaclyn Thorne (pictured), General Manager of Tourism Central Australia.
“We understand their loads were positive, flights were consistent and customers were happy. In fact Alice was nominated as the Tiger Airways People’s Choice destination on an online poll three times in a row.
“Since the announcement on Friday, I have received many phone calls from industry who are just as perplexed as we are and concerned given the fact Tiger has had a positive impact on visitor numbers into Central Australia in the past year.
“Many have invested into their businesses by way of renovations, product development and even new infrastructure to cater for the additional demand.
“We understand Government is in discussion with other airlines to continue the push for more air capacity into the region, however at this stage I am not aware of any other carriers coming into the region.
“As an industry body, we have a transport sector meeting today at which this will be discussed and the industry will be able to come up with ideas to continue to sell Central Australia and keep the positive visitor numbers coming,” Ms Thorne says.
Something is very wrong? Get government to cancel Tiger’s Brisbane to Darwin and at least get one plane going from say Sydney to Alice.
I have been on tiger eight times and always 70% full if not more.
It is so simple just put the price up!
Bye bye to the young Asian market.
Looking forward to QF prices.
Feel sorry for the young Rock run guys.
Was the NT Government helping out the Tiger flights with a subsidy or marketing support? And have they now withdrawn that support?