Sunday, February 16, 2025

The freedom of the press still furnishes that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide – Chicago Tribune.

HomeIssue 5'Disenfranchised' pensioners hitting back at government

'Disenfranchised' pensioners hitting back at government

Sir – The Council on the Ageing (NT) has launched a petition calling on the government to urgently review the NT Pensioners and Carers Concession Scheme in order to redress inequities and unfairness inherent in eligibility and entitlements.
Back in May 2014 many hundreds of seniors were without notice summarily disenfranchised from the concession scheme. Seniors approaching retirement mistakenly have an expectation of being eligible for concessions that were previously available to them for travel, rates glasses and MVR charges. These benefits are now only available to pensioners and others who are successfully Centrelink assessed.
When introduced in 1979, the Seniors Concession Scheme was promoted as an incentive to keep seniors in the Territory.
This concept is now obviously lost on bureaucrats and Government.  Although the total concession package is only a measly amount it does ease the financial load on seniors wishing to continue living on in the Territory after retirement.
You know – those grandparents who now help look after their grandchildren and provide comfort and support to their extended families. These are the people who have worked hard, contributed to the local economy and community over many years and made this Territory the great place it is today to live work and play.
The Minister for Seniors says a review is under way – but it moves at glacial pace. Our petition calls for these disenfranchised seniors to be re-instated into the Seniors Concession Scheme. To make our campaign work all Territory seniors are encouraged to sign up to convince Government that seniors are not invisible and want their voice heard.
For more information Graeme Bevis on 8941 1004 during office hours (Mon-Fri, 9am – 3pm) or on mobile 0408 479 768.
Stephanie Kendall
Council on the Ageing (Northern Territory) Inc.


  1. Why don’t these people get the same benefits as what the Indigenous people enjoy? If we want to Narrow the Gap, white man needs to get equal benefits.

  2. Only got two months to the election and then is the time to get their attention. Petitions since day one have been ignored or patronized. Advertise to all pensioners to “PUT CLP LAST” at the polling booths. After all, that’s where they placed us.

  3. Fearless Anonymous Fred, to clarify the conversation please specify the additional benefits you think Indigenous people enjoy.


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