Sunday, September 8, 2024

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HomeUncategorizedDid Pine Gap target missile that killed Zomi?

Did Pine Gap target missile that killed Zomi?


The Alice Springs News sent the following email to the Prime Minister at 6.15pm today. We will publish the response if and when it is provided.

Dear Mr Albanese,

Israel has acknowledged that its forces used a drone to fire missiles on the World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza. Australian aid worker Lalzawmi “Zomi” Frankcom was killed in that attack.

Would you please pass on this question to the American and the Australian heads of Pine Gap (pictured) near Alice Springs: “Did the joint facility provide or transmit to the Israeli military the target coordinates for this strike? Please provide a yes or no answer.”

We intend to publish the answer if and when we receive it.


  1. Unlikely Pine Gap was involved because it wasn’t needed.
    The World Central Kitchen provided all the targeting information needed for the drone strikes.
    They told the IDF their route (and were given clearance) and they had large identifying logos on each vehicle.
    The IDF positioned a drone above the expected route and on confirmation of the targets launched a Hellfire Missile at each of the three vehicles travelling 500 metres apart.
    This particular attack is not unusual or a one off and it is certainly not an accident.
    Starvation is being used as a weapon of war against the Palestinian people.

  2. Come on people, surely you can do better than to publish a beat up of Pine Gap. I wouldn’t have thought for a minute that your posts are from a position of Pine Gap knockers.
    ED – You’re right. They are not. Just google Pine Gap in our seven million word story archive.


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