Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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HomeIssue 7Scullion and Price charged for PM's reception

Scullion and Price charged for PM's reception

2529 Turnbull, Price OKBy KIERAN FINNANE
Country Liberal Senator Nigel Scullion and CL candidate for Lingiari Jacinta Price have been sent an invoice for the cost to council of the reception of former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.
This follows the success of the motion moved by Councillor Marli Banks on August 27 to on-charge the costs to the organisers of the event, as it was a not a civic or mayoral reception but a campaign event for Ms Price.
An anonymous donation covering the costs had been paid to council, accepted by CEO Rex Mooney , in what looked like an attempt to head off debate.
That donation will now be repaid to the donor, Mr Mooney told councillors last night, responding to questions from Cr Eli Melky.
The invoice sent to Senator Scullion and Ms Price is for $2914.25, significantly more than the original $1409.91 costing of the reception.
This is because the charges now include labour costs for council personnel involved in the event logistics, as argued for by Cr Melky.
No charge has been made for venue hire, of the reception area and the Arunta Room that was used for private meetings with the PM, as council never charges for them, said Mr Mooney.
Crs Price and Jamie de Brenni, as Vice President of the Country Liberals, had left the chamber while this was discussed.
Cr Melky expressed his appreciation that the matter had now been “resolved appropriately”.


  1. Rex Mooney and Damian Ryan knew they were trying to pull the wool over ratepayers’ eyes and thought they could get away with it. Good to see we do have some level headed members on council who are representing the ratepayers.

  2. Typical Alice Springs.
    Complain that no government officials ever visit the town, that it receives only negative media attention and is forgotten about.
    They finally have someone elected in the council that has the ability to draw in the Commomwealth and everybody is in a frenzy about the minimal amount of money it cost.
    I would love to see the financials on how much the council spend on their social lunches or afternoon tea in the office.
    This is probably the best way I’ve seen my rates money spent – by members of the Commonwealth Government coming to Alice Springs for something positive opposed to when a child has been raped.
    I look forward to hearing you all complain in the coming months about the lack of attention Alice Springs gets.

  3. Typical over-reaction by small minded and petty local politicians, just so glad [they] are still the minority.


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