Senator Nigel Scullion elected acting CLP president


p2254 Nigel Scullion 3 OKThe management committee of the Country Liberal Party has elected Senator Nigel Scullion as the party’s acting president following the retirement of Shane Stone, according to a media release by the party’s director, Brad Vermeer.
An election for the ongoing position of party president will be conducted amongst the broader party membership at its central council to be held in early April.
“Unlike Labor, we’re a grass roots organisation that allows our members to make the decision on the challenges facing our Party,” says Senator Scullion.
“In contrast, the faceless Labor powerbrokers of the Gunner Government are more interested in introducing a Land Tax on Territorians, which will take more money out of families back pockets and make life even harder for struggling small  businesses.
“The CLP will fight to make sure Territorians are not be taxed to oblivion by Michael Gunner and his union puppet-masters.”


  1. Just remember Nigel, that the Territorians have to start paying and not rely on Federal funding as we have far too many people on sit-down monies in the NT which is no benefit to society at all.

  2. Will the Gunner government persuade the Commonwealth to ensure the Aboriginal Land Rights (NT) land trusts pay the “Land Tax on Territorians”?
    Will the Gunner government persuade the Commonwealth to ensure the ALR(NT) land trusts pay other conventional NT and Local government charges like rates?
    The ALR(NT) corporate land trusts remain significantly financially advantaged over other land-owners given the Commonwealth’s exemptions freeing them from conventional land-owner responsibilities.
    Equality of opportunity and responsibility requires treating the ALR(NT) corporate Land Trusts same as other corporate or natural land-owners in the NT.

  3. Can someone explain how Nigel is CLP and Nationals at the same time?
    Also, does Nigel have any policies on Alice Springs?
    Can he get some northern development money for Alice, please?

  4. So what position does Jamie De Brenni have now? Wasn’t he CLP president?
    Who is going to lead the CLP and the right wing people in Alice Springs now?

  5. Here’s some food for thought.
    Why is it that the CLP has two deputy Vice Presidents and the rules usually indicate that the next in line takes the reins, yet its been passed sideways to a senator who never seems to be findable when its crunch time?
    Stone has fled and De-Brenni has stood down (refusing to drink from what I can only imagine is a poisoned challace) and Scullion has been made acting president despite there being another VP (Rhianna Harker) who expressed an interest in the role? What is going on here?
    Two leaders resign and a third is either skipped over or not interested? Something big is going on inside CLP at the moment yet the most obvious questions don’t seem to be answered in the media’s coverage? Are you on their payroll or something?
    Would be good to see some investigative journalism into this.
    Just a thought.
    [ED – No, we are not on their payroll. They just have very little to say.]


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