Sunday, September 8, 2024

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HomeIssue 15The ups and downs of electricity on council agenda

The ups and downs of electricity on council agenda

p2299-flood-marker-1By ERWIN CHLANDA
While Chief Minister Adam Giles is trumpeting a 5% reduction in household electricity costs next year, a 20% hike for Alice Springs Town Council is being discussed.
This would kick in if the Council were to move to a “negotiated contract,” increasing its bill by $108,000 to $545,000 a year, as has been mentioned as a possibility.
Predictably, the council has so far stayed on its present plan but it’s not clear how long that will last.
Danny Moore, of Jacana Energy, which is now the new electricity retailer for the NT after the structural separation of Power and Water Corporation, is quoted in a report to the council last night: “The purpose of this tariff was designed to gently guide customers from a subsidised rate to a cost reflective rate.” 20% – gentle?
The Alice Springs Town Council is currently on a tariff for customers buying between 750 and 2,000MWh per annum.
The subsidised tariff has already been abolished for the Darwin and Katherine grid and is under review in Tennant Creek and Alice Springs, the Alice Springs News Online understands.
The NT Treasurer sets the electricity tariffs.
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The Council last night approved a $1000 donation for the 2015 Brolgas tourism awards. As the Brolgas were held 10 days ago the money could obviously not be used as a prize for one of the 28 sections such as “New Tourism Business” or “Hosted Accommodation,” with the donor of the prize prominently flashed upon the screen.
We have enquired with Tourism NT what the money will be used for. Stand by.
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The Council decided not to “pursue” people who failed to cast their obligatory vote in the recent by-election when Jacinta Price and Jamie de Brennie were elected.
A staggering 35% of the enrolled voters didn’t tun up: Only 8485 of the 12,630 potential electors cast a vote.
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The council will pay for “airfares, accommodation and meals” for an Australia Day Ambassador to come to Alice Springs to promote the celebration of 2016 Australia Day. No amount is mentioned.
Woolworths used to cough up for that in the past but has possibly diverted the money to fresh fruits.
Asked what such a person would be doing, a council spokesman says: “One of the roles of the Australia Day Ambassador will be to present awards such as the Centralian of the Year.”
Council CEO Rex Mooney has previously performed similar functions with great aplomb, at citizenship ceremonies, for example, exhorting recipients to shout “Oi, Oi, Oi” in response to his “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie”.
Money well spent? Maybe not, but it seems a final decision hasn’t yet been made.
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The Council has 160 staff. 12.5% of them are Indigenous, that’s 20 staff including 17 at the depot. Council has an “aspirational” target of 20% Indigenous employment. This is to reflect the demographic of the municipality, says Craig Catchlove, Director Corporate and Community Services.
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PHOTO: A flood marker, designed by local artist J9 Stanton and fabricated by Ross Engineering, was unveiled this morning by Mayor Damien Ryan. It is near the Stott Terrace bridge, on the western bank of the Todd, opposite the library.


  1. Lou. Facts and truth. Two real things rejected by lefties. And that is what your comment is lacking.

  2. Aussie aussie aussie oi oi oi at citizenship ceremonies? Bloody hell, is that the best we can do? Embarassing. Cringe making.

  3. As you say 35% of rate payers did not turn up. There was no-one worthy of voting for. Why turn up?


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