Aged woman injured by rock thrower


A 71-year-old woman was hit by a rock thrower on August 6 when she was a passenger in a car traveling on Montgomery Road, behind Yirara College.
“The woman was geocaching, which is like orienteering. She had her window down as they had just found a co-ordinant,” says a police spokeswoman.
“She was taken to Alice Springs hospital to receive treatment for her injuries.”
She says on August 10 police officers “attended the school assembly to do a presentation on the dangers of rock throwing.
“At this stage no arrested or charges have been made and inquires are continuing.”
There had been no media release about this incident prior to the Alice Springs News Online making inquiries.


  1. Just add it to the list of cover-ups for a number of serious incidents over the last 10 days!
    Did we hear about the near riot a week or so ago?
    How about the fellows who trashed staff cars by jumping on them one morning?
    What about the teacher who got knocked over and the 27 students who broke out the other night … the list goes on but do we ever hear about it?
    We the taxpayers continue to pay for such behaviour because our Government says it is all good at Yirara!


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