Council by-election would have cost $100,000


p2058-Kylie-Bonanni-3The by-election on October 10 to fill the seat of Cr Kylie Bonanni (pictured) will cost the Town Council $70,000 although it will take over some of the work from the NT Electoral Commission, according to CEO Rex Mooney.
He says the council will be running an early voting polling station at the Civic Centre in the Andy McNeill Room in the lead up to the by-election.
Mayor Damien Ryan says: “We are very pleased that the Council CEO has successfully negotiated a reduced rate for this by-election from the NT Electoral Commission, potentially saving ratepayers $30,000.”
Cr Bonanni resigned on July 23.


  1. Are we REALLY persisting with this exercise? Will we get better OUTCOMES (government / corporate mantra for doing anything) than if we left the position vacant or picked the first unsuccessful candidate at the previous poll?
    Clearly my previous suggestion of having the Electoral Commission run the poll through their office over a week, or an online trial seemed too radical for our legislators.
    Are we meant to think that “only” $70,000 is some sort of a good deal? I intend voting informally in protest.


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