Alice Springs is forecast to reach 28°C (8°C above average) today and Yulara 30°C (10°C above average).
Yulara has only reached 30°C five times during July since observations started in 1983, says the Bureau of Metereology.
Warm weather is forecast for much of the Territory today and for the next few days before another dry burst of cool air makes its way north.
Tennant Creek’s forecast 33°C maximum temperature on Thursday is 8°C above average, while in Katherine Thursday and Friday’s max temp of 35°C is 5°C above average.
The cooler daytime conditions are due in the south from Thursday before finally reaching Darwin early next week.
The south west corner of the Territory including Yulara may also see about 1-5mm of rain on Wednesday as a raggedy cloud band across WA moves east.