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HomeIssue 21Illegal dump picked for clean up

Illegal dump picked for clean up


Clean up of this site (above), one of hundreds around Alice Springs where rubbish has been dumped illegally, has now been “programmed” according to the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (DIPL).

The concrete blocks and metal waste, which have been disposed of on Crown Land to the west of the Road Transport Hall of Fame years if not decades ago, were pointed out to DIPL in a test by the Alice Springs News of the NeatStreets app recommended by the department.

The app, which can be downloaded onto smart phones, “has demonstrated that tasks are passed on to the appropriate landowner without the requirement for the member of the public to determine this information,” says the department.

“NeatStreets initially allocated the task to the ASTC, who quite appropriately re-allocated it to NTG as the site is on Crown land. Clean up of this site has since been programmed by DIPL.

“Due to the enormous volume of illegal dumping in Alice Springs and environs, there is a backlog of removals on the program,” says the department.

“This backlog was exacerbated by the recent lockdown.

“The Town Council and the NT Government are continuing to collaborate to identify ways to reduce the prevalence of illegal dumping by some residents and businesses in Alice Springs.

“Members of the public can assist in cleaning up our town by disposing of their rubbish at the Regional Waste Management Facility and by continuing to use NeatStreets to report illegal dumping.”

The spokesman says garbage illegally dumped on Crown Land within the municipality is the responsibility the NT Government.

The town council’s Waste Management Advisory Committee adopted the following motion in June: “That Council invite the NT Government to partner in developing a pilot strategy for the management of illegal waste in the Alice Springs area.”


  1. Whilst dumping of rubbish is very poor form, one has to ask why?
    The fact is that people will get rid of rubbish any way they can. Is it too expensive at the tip or too difficult?
    I certainly don’t condone the illegal dumping, but I’m sure it will continue unless the Town Council makes it, a) easier or b) cheaper.

  2. @ Surprised: Your comment does not surprise me, I have always said that the dumping and recycling at the depot is not user friendly. Last election I supported Jimmy Cocking hoping he will looked in the situation. I cannot say he has looked or not, but nothing has changed.

  3. @ Evelyne Roullet: Evelyne, I was thinking about your comment and some more about this.
    In terms of “user friendly” I suspect what has happened is that the Town Council has lost sight of (or doesn’t care) who the customer really is and who it is that pays their wages. Unfortunately we as the taxpayer or ratepayer in this case have been sadly looked upon as a nuisance. What worse, is we continue to put up with it.
    I remember a time when you had to separate your rubbish. Metals to the metal area, wood to the wood are etc. They had several people directing cars to the appropriate area.
    So instead of dump and go, you had to spend longer separating than it took to to load up.
    Not much has really changed. If you ever roll up at 8am, be prepared to wait a while until the very enthusiastic dude, casually strolls up and opens the gate.
    Whist never making eye contact he’ll then turn around and stroll back deliberately occupying the middle of the road until he gets to his booth, then glare at you as if to say hurry up.
    Heaven help us if they could acknowledge one’s presence. Many times I’ve had to wait up to 15 minutes for them to finish their morning coffee before they open the gates.
    BUT this attitude starts from the top …


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