Monday, June 17, 2024

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HomeUncategorizedDriver arrested after running COVID checkpoint

Driver arrested after running COVID checkpoint

A man who ran a COVID control point was stopped by police with tyre deflation devices 20 km west of Katherine on the Victoria Highway this morning.

The 38-year-old man, who entered the NT from WA, allegedly failed to comply with directions of police to stop at the border control point, travelling through the 40km/h zone at 72km/h.

He was stopped shortly after and police requested him to complete the NT Border Entry Form. The man refused and drove away from police.

He was arrested and taken to the Katherine Police Station.

Police say he is expected to be charged with contravening an emergency declaration, exceeding the speed limit, failing to obey the directions of a police officer, failing to stop, driving with a prohibited drug in his blood (methamphetamine and cannabis), possessing implements to administer a dangerous drug, possessing a dangerous drug and breach of bail.

Police report.


  1. “Tyre deflation devices”? Que?
    [Hi Frank: It is a thing with lots of spikes sticking out of it which police drag across the road in the path of a vehicle. “Deflation” seems to be a bit of a euphemism. ED.]


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