Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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HomeIssue 21Youth curfew no longer an option, a necessity: Lambley

Youth curfew no longer an option, a necessity: Lambley

Sir – With unprecedented restrictions being placed on all Australians to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, Alice Springs residents are now asking – what is being done to stop the large groups of kids who are still roaming the streets at night?
There cannot be one rule for these kids and one rule for the rest of us.
Alice Springs CBD businesses are worried that with even fewer people frequenting the CBD at night, their businesses will be targeted even more by youth crime.
A youth curfew is no longer an option, it is a necessity.
These kids must be removed from the streets at night for their safety and the safety of the whole community.
I call upon Dale Wakefield, the Minister for Territory Families, to implement restrictions on these kids.
If they can’t go home, then they must be placed in a facility where they can be locked down like the rest of us.
It is time for the NT Government to implement strategies to protect these children who are at high risk of Coronavirus infection.
This behaviour should have been stopped years ago.
Robyn Lambley (pictured)
Deputy Opposition Leader


  1. Is there one rule for these kids and one rule for the rest of us?
    Schools are still open and large groups of kids congregate in them.

  2. I am in total agreement the laws/rules are for all Australians The NT must do same than Kuwait.
    Quote: It imposed a nationwide 11-hour curfew from 5pm to 4am starting Sunday until further notice, as part of the country’s efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus,” state news agency KUNA reported.
    “Regrettably non-compliance with the Ministry of Health’s instructions to stay indoors forced the government to impose the curfew,” said Anas Khaled Nasser Al-Saleh, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Interior and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, in a press conference after a cabinet meeting.

  3. Well done to the Member for Araluen. She has the finger on the pulse.
    We all know that there is a group within our community that is simply dysfunctional.
    Would you allow your kids to roam the streets at night causing damage to property and people’s lifestyle as well as becoming prey for pedophiles?
    The parents must be penalised and these children made wards of the state.
    We have been too soft for too long and now some Aboriginal people think this is normal parenting. There is no money now for theses foolish so called programs.
    Times achanging, some for the better.


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