A hysterical dummy spit by Jacinta Price, following publication of a report on Monday critical of her record as a town councillor, is unbecoming of a candidate for a major party in a Federal election.
The CLP candidate for Lingiari, having received 24 hours notice of the report of her dismal performance on the Alice Springs Town Council, has described the editor of this newspaper – me – as “the lowest of the low, bottom of the barrel, angry old white men [sic] I have ever known.
“He is the only white man that has attacked me as an Aboriginal woman so viciously.”
While the race of Ms Price was not mentioned at all in the report, she felt entitled to refer to mine, adding to it that I am old.
She asserts that I am known as “Erwin Slander”. She does not disclose by whom.
Ms Price did not respond to our advance notice of the report, including a draft of almost all of the text subsequently published, except for minor subbing changes.
The cover letter at 1.44pm on April 21 said this:
Hi Jacinta, you’re invited to respond to the draft below. I’m going to publish the report at 3pm tomorrow, so if you wish, please get back to me by 2pm tomorrow (Monday).
Also, you’re invited to let me know by COB Wednesday the 10 or so reasons why you think people should vote for you in Lingiari.
I’d like to use these suggestions in an interview with you on Thursday next week, April 25. If you are happy with that please nominate a time (in the afternoon).
Happy Easter, Erwin
I sent a second email at 8.45am on April 22 about an addition to the text, still more than five hours ahead of the deadline for a response.
Our comprehensive notice of the content of a report, well ahead of publication, is a privilege few journalists would afford their subjects.
But Ms Price did not respond until 11.31pm yesterday when she sent the impertinent text (pictured at top) to fellow Alice Springs News journalist, Kieran Finnane, who, by the way, had not contacted Ms Price with regard to Monday’s report.
The remainder of Ms Price’s text is surely an abrogation of an election candidate’s obligation to participate in the democratic process, which includes answering questions put by journalists: “Please do not ever contact me with regard to anything. Expect a lawyer’s letter as his editorial lacks fact is highly defamatory. You will now be blocked.”
Ms Price at a meeting of the Town Council from which she has resigned despite her pledge to serve a full term.
The report, in reality, consists almost entirely of facts: they speak for themselves on Ms Price’s record.
The locally owned and operated independent Alice Springs News is its 26th year of publication. It had 20,339 readers and 160,415 page views in the past 30 days (Google Analytics).
As editor, I have been a full-time journalist in Central Australia since 1974, providing news, magazine and documentary material for national and international text and television media.
Kieran Finnane has also worked in media for over 30 years, is an author and contributes to quality national journals.
Gosh. If she cant handle this news service how is she gunna survive the big league?
Ironic that her very comments are themselves defamatory.
Jacinta is often accused of being a bully, this text seems to bear that out.
This is not the sort of response I would expect or want from a Federal politician and particularly not the member who is supposed to represent me and my electorate.
Well said Dr Ongo!
Big time bully!
Constantly chasing the limelight at any cost, failed music career, failed councillor, fingers crossed its a fail for Federal politics.
Ask yourself, what has Jacinta actually EVER done?
Work? Community service? On our council?
She cares for fame, not community and certainly not lil ol’ Alice Springs!
I agree Jacinta is often accused of being a bully, opportunistic and should not speak for ALL Indigenous peoples – as she is not an Elder nor from their respective lands.
Welcome to the long list of people who have been abused by said candidate in the most vicious and unbecoming of ways when we don’t agree with everything about her.
This behaviour suggests a certain instability.
If elected she wouldn’t be the only such Member of Parliament but as a nation we need better. She might say things that some people like but does not have the track record or analytical abilities to serve as an effective parliamentarian. Thanks for exposing this.
Boo Yeah Erwin!!!!
Hello … where are all her blind supporters who profess she “speaks the truth”.
Send this through to The Australian, Herald Sun, Mark Latham, KAK etc.
Unfortunately Erwin, you are another in a long line who have been on the receiving end of her bully tactics.
Another dummy spit from someone who lacks maturity and clear thought processes, yet seeks fame, fortune and self promotion.
Plays the race card … you gotta laugh.
Thank you for informing the public on Jacintas’ actions and comments – most media don’t do this and allow Jacinta to go unchecked, not questioned and not accountable.
Jacinta is very much a loose cannon and NOT suited to any political role or in ANY position of power over the vulnerable Indigenous of Australia.
Game, set, match: Snowdon!
Jacinta has bullied so many and hidden behind the race card so often to ensure any post-bullying response back to her is muted.
Thank you Alice Springs News. I knew her from Yamba days, music recording days, and subsequent career attempts. She underperformed in everything she touched and blindly relied on others to get her across the line.
After she bullied me – she had the gall to hide behind her proposed Federal cloak and say “when I’m a Federal Minister, I will come after you and squash you!”
Applause to Alice Springs News.
I would imagine there is a long line of people with a similar story to mine.
Whilst I do not profess to be aware of the substance of preceding comments regarding Jacinta Price, I find it interesting that a number of them appear to be hiding behind pseudonyms, whilst at the same time accusing her of hiding behind other people etc etc. Just say’n.
Jacinta, your response to Erwin Chlanda of Alice Springs News is a great disappointment.
I have know Erwin Chlanda over 40 years, his work and commitment as a journalist is exceptional.
Apologise with grace, or shame yourself further.
IMHO Erwin Chlanda is well overdue for recognition by the NPC.
Not to worry … her Murdoch buddies will give her a good run in Friday’s Centralian Advocate.
Like most bullies, the reality is they are not all that bright and not nearly as clever as they think they are!
Abolutly useless in council, would be far far worse in the ACT.
In the words of Edwin Hawkins. Oh happy day!!!
Finally the public are cottoning onto the fact that she has literally achieved nothing in her life of any useful significance: How does being a kids TV show voiceover and a washed out country music singer qualify you for being a Federal Minister?
She has failed to bring home the bacon for the NT in the election with all our problems.
Most importantly for anyone who knows her through work or council, she is simply unable to professionally work with other people without rubbing them the wrong way, which is kind of important in politics if you wanna get literally anything done.
There is also the inconvenient fact that the vast majority of community mob out bush severely dislike or hate her and simply will not listen to her so I reckon she’s got about a snowball’s chance in hell fixing all those Aboriginal issues.
I reckon she’s a paper tiger who’s tapped into desperate gullible locals sick and tired of all the social issues we got here in the NT and telling them exactly what they wanna hear with making any form of measurable commitment in terms of what she’s campaigned on.
Another hot air bullshit artist in the making, I reckon.
Jacinta [is] another glorified muppet. She’s an Anthony Dillon, xenophobic against their own people!
Jacinta’s job: Fix Alice Springs Indigenous law and order problems.
She hasnt campaigned on anything. One day slams Shorten for spending money on Aboriginal health, followed by cheers from her supporters. Next day supports Scomo in spending money on Aboriginal health, followed by cheers by her supporters.
Three out of the nineteen who have commented so far are prepared to own it with a name. The rest of you need to grow some balls.
The only names that matter in this article are Erwin and Jacinta.
Watch out, there’s a cliff coming up.
@ Alan: Keep following the piper (JP).
Well said, Alan Harrison.
@ Yeah Nah Mate: “Another hot air bullshit artist in the making, I reckon” and “she has literally achieved nothing in her life of any useful significance”.
Be fair, Yeah Nah Mate. Hot air bullshit artists are in the eye of the beholder. And they come in all shapes and colours.
And what have you and I ever achieved of “any useful signficance” in our rather anonymous lives? Yes? No? Mate?
Re Alan: Naw, it sucks when you find out your hero ain’t all she’s cracked up to be, hey?
Thank you Erwin Chlanda. For more on Jacinta Price, readers can also look at: The Saturday Paper, edition 219, Aug 25-31, article by Marcia Langton “The Folly of Jacinta Price”.
People need to know who Jacinta is. Thank you for helping get the information out.
Jacinta is such a bully. I am glad to see her true colours on show and I hope the public vote against her in the upcoming election.
Her behaviour is immature and painful to observe. She causes real harm.
It’s always one way with Jacinta and that her way.
Im not fond of any personal attacks on anyone. But I do feel she will get hung out to dry by the Libs.
Perhaps if Jacinta keeps battling over the next decade she could be elected into a position then.
You had my vote Jacinta but you lost it when you displayed your racism. Yes, I’m an old white man too.
How embarrassing to say the least, and whilst the birds have come home to roost, Karma is perched up there next to them.
The irony in all this is that whilst Jacinta speaks the liberal speak, and the very reason her supporters and the LNP back her is to do with her track record of belittling all things Aboriginal, including our aspirations, struggles and plight.
Whilst she offers no solutions or answers to be able to address anything she is in most cases condescending and labels racism or disgruntled Aboriginals as being members of the “Victim Brigade”.
How dare you behave like a spoilt kid and act like a racist blackfella, giving the rest of us Aboriginals a bad name? Your attempt to ridicule and question Erwin’s creditials says more about you than him.
Clearly you were given ample time to respond and apart from failing the Alice Springs community including the Town Council you failed yourself.
The Electorate of Lingiari would be best served by casting their vote for a more mature tried and true candidate.
Jacinta is not liked or welcomed by Indigenous peoples. She does not speak for or on behalf of me and a hell of a lot of us!
She likes to tell people what they want to hear! She is an opportunist and is weak!
I have continually asked what has she done for the people she is supposed to represent and especially our Indigenous brothers and sisters, but alas, she couldn’t or wouldn’t answer!
Quite frankly she is an embarrassment.
@ Penny. One of the perks of being an oldie who saw the rise of the budding activists who hit town in Alice in the Whitlam is that we know where there are a few cupboards and a few skeletons.
I smiled when you referred to Marcia writing an article in that illustrious rag “The Saturday Paper” about the “follies” of Jacinta.
Strewth. Marcia is known for a few “follies” of her own in those Olden Days. Some interesting follies indeed. Ladies in glass houses.
The sad thing about all this is that the way our system stands at the moment your vote is going to go to either the CLP or Labor.
The CLP is abhorrent but Labor is so crap that I feel I will have to put them below CLP in the hope that they will come to their senses at the next election.
One Territory or Greens then the cupla complete nut jobs, then CLP then Labor last.
I won’t be voting for Jacinta just more strongly against Labor and their support of fracking etc.
@ John Bell: You have either misrepresented or not read Marcia Langton’s article.
It is “The Folly of Jacinta Price”.
That is, the silliness of running a do-nothing, lacklustre, ranting bully who is the darling of the racist right.
Not Jacinta’s follies.
As for the snide remark about Marcia’s “follies”, I too have been around a while.
I worked closely with Marcia in Alice, and although we had our differences, I found her to be a woman of integrity with a passionate commitment to Aboriginal rights, and particularly the rights of Aboriginal women.
This is just smear by innuendo.
@ Charlie Carter: Took your advice to John Bell, re-read Marcias’ article. Easily found. Puts a lot in perspective. Cheers.
@ Ian Sharpe, @ Charlie Carter. Lads. Felt I needed to respond.
We are three old white men with different political views. Not sure about you Charlie but neither Sharpie nor I were born in the Alice. We are both Mexicans from south of the Albury border.
I lobbed in Alice ’67 and Sharpie in the ’80s (?).
We barrack for different Melbourne footy teams. So we are chalk and cheese in that respect.
Except that I think if the three of us sat down and chatted about things that matter with personal values, I think we would find all three have very similar ciggie paper split difference ethical standards.
Like most of us who are not born Alicians of Aboriginal heritage we can only go on our own individual experiences in the Alice.
We all hold Aboriginal Alicians in the highest regard.
We all have our own individual experiences with, and perceptions of, the ladies at the heart of this article.
I make no “snide” remarks about Marcia. I speak openly as you do.
I too, Charlie, have followed Marcia closely for many years in her activism and academic career path. I say simply that she who criticises – and Marcia is definitely criticising Jacinta in the article – is not free of criticism herself. As with all of us.
Noel Pearson will attest to that. I do know that opinions are sharply divided on these two ladies of different political views, regardless of race, among the broad spectrum of all Alicians and ex-patriate Alicians.
That can be seen from other comments by readers whom I regard as friends. That is the beauty of life in the Alice, hey lads?
Being from the Territory, its unfortunate I have not read the paper for some time – BUT I can agree with a greater portion of the blog’s response and say this with a firm conviction that Erwin is definitely a great journalist. If I was as a great writer as he, I would be happy and so too my lecturer.
As for Jacinta – what can one say – she certainly does not speak for me. The Sky News – the likes of Paul Murray, Peta Credlin and Andrew Bolt simply fawned over her and it was disgusting.
She certainly does not have the capacity to go onto a nation wide news broadcast. She needs elocution lessons and should learn to dress in a professional manner.
I feel, in my opinion all she was good enough was being a prop for background photographs with the likes of Turnbull and Morrison.
The Jacinta Price imbroglio just proves that every group / community / society has its equal share of geniuses, saintly heroes, inspired artists, sociopaths, deadbeats, con people, toxic bullies, opportunists and savants, which is why the racism card is baseless and racism itself, base.
Reconciliation, Makarata, the Voice to Parliament will remove much of the admitted guilt for colonisation’s evils and make us a better nation.
We will all be more equal than we are now … we will rest easy in the knowledge we are all forked creatures of limitless characteristics, dreamers and schemers, creators and destroyers, but none of us measurably perfect.