Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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HomeIssue 10Crime statistics horrendous, says Lambley

Crime statistics horrendous, says Lambley

2592 Robyn Lambley (ABC pic) OKLETTER TO THE EDITOR
Sir – The latest horrendous police crime statistics released on Friday prove that Alice Springs is experiencing an unprecedented crime wave.
The town needs a circuit breaker to stop it. Whether this be an emergency youth curfew or the police tactical response unit coming back to town to restore law and order, something extreme needs to done.
Whilst [comparing 2017 with 2018] assaults seem to have significantly reduced, house break-ins are up by 83%; commercial break-ins up by 14%; motor vehicle theft up by 55%; and property damage up by 4%.
The Gunner Government is responsible for these staggering figures. They should be very worried.
“Instead of coming to Alice Springs last Friday to meet with select individuals, the Chief Minister should have fronted the people of Alice Springs and told us what he is going to do to make our town safe.
Alice Springs people have had enough of the political spin and lack of answers.
Robyn Lambley
Independent Member for Araluen


  1. Why would he front the media and explain his actions like any other accountable person would. He is above explaining his actions.
    And what about the prison half way houses? Why is the government so secretive on this?
    Oh, that’s right, just image one popping up next door to you or over the road where your kids walk past to school every day.


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