Starting young in multi-culturalism


2601 Suzanne Visser PIC 3 OKBy ERWIN CHLANDA
Alice Springs isn’t just paying lip service to multi-culturalism. It is living it.
The Yeperenye shopping centre’s holiday program is an example.
There are kids from Nepal, Japan, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Hermannsburg, Papunya, Finke, Kenya, Darwin, Alice Springs, Melbourne, India, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Uganda and elsewhere.
Tamara, a community artist and painter of several murals in Alice Springs, does painting and drawing with the children.
Suzanne Visser set in scene the Wishes in the Wind Week: More than 100 wishes were painted on flags, to be spread by the wind to come true.
Some children buried their faces in the flags while wishing.
2601 Suzanne Visser PIC 2 OKLast week’s motto was Japanese calligraphy and now it’s Origami week.
Henry, the host of the art space, is preparing fruit, water and sandwiches throughout the day.
Older children can play games on a big TV screen or play a game of pingpong.
Oh, why do holidays always have to end?

Information and photos from Suzanne Visser.

2601 Suzanne Visser PIC 6 OK


  1. Such an impressive program driven by devotion, compassion and integrity.
    We most certainly are a rich tapestry of collective and inclusive community spirit as evidenced by the wonderful interactions that these kids embraced.
    Congratulations to Suzanne and her team for providing these kids with some wonderful experiences. The stuff memories are of.


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