Anzac Oval will be site for gallery: Gunner


2592 Robyn Lambley (ABC pic) OK2473 Nats Gunner 2 OK
Chief Minister Michael Gunner has just told MLA for Araluen Robyn Lambley that the National Indigenous Art Gallery will be built on Anzac Oval.
Ms Lambley asked him in Parliament: “Where will the site for the gallery be?”
According to a text from Ms Lambley, Mr Gunner replied: “Simple question: The NIAG will be built on Anzac Oval.”
Till now the Anzac Precinct has been the “preferred” site for the Government.
UPDATE 6:35pm
Last updated at 7.30pm.
The advice texted to the Alice Springs News Online by Ms Lambley appears to have been in error in relation to the use of “Oval” rather than “Precinct”. The Draft Daily Hansard quotes  Mr Gunner as saying: “Madam Speaker, it will be built at the Anzac Precinct and it will be magnificent.”
It’s  a fine point: while the building will be on the old school site, the project as a whole requires the oval to change its use, to become the gallery’s green space and carpark, and, as seems clear from the government’s latest moves, its ownership.


  1. M Gunner, the Gallery WILL NOT be built on the Anzac site because many people in Alice Springs will NOT LET you.
    Listen to us and talk to the Furbers, the Liddels and the Stuarts. Leave The Anzac site ALONE.

  2. Twenty years ago Alice Springs found itself in a remarkably similar situation.
    The NT Government was determined to demolish the old gaol in Stuart Terrace and replace it with infill development (all the rage at the time). The NTG was CLP and, under Chief Minister Shane Stone, had been returned to power with an overwhelming majority of 18 members.
    There was resistance from local residents determined to save the old gaol as a heritage site. The arguments we’re reading and hearing today over the old Anzac high school and oval site for the NAAG are markedly similar – nearly identicial in many respects – to the bitter dispute that raged for months those two decades ago.
    What was the outcome? The NT Government lost on two counts; first, the old gaol was saved; and second, the CLP lost office at the next general elections in 2001.
    The CLP had been in power for 27 years but the current Labor government, behaving in exactly the same fashion as the CLP 20 years ago, is only halfway in its first term.
    We live in a time where political party allegiances are evaporating, and voters can and do switch their support in no uncertain manner.
    Given the astonishing high handed arrogance of the Gunner Government, it seems fairly clear it will suffer at the hands of the voters at the next Territory elections.
    History – and contemporary politics – unequivocally demonstrates that big margins provide no protection in the polls anymore.
    The inference is obvious.

  3. If Chief Minister Gunner means what he says, and he is the Chief Minister and so would have some idea of his own legislative agenda, then the interesting question is just what trick, or Trump card, is he planning to pull from the pack?

  4. I think many of these pollies today are not so worried about being re-elected, particularly Gunner, Wakefield etc as they have probably lined up jobs with the fracking industry or elsewhere.
    It seems the only way to explain some of the ridiculous things they do.
    When did Giles start work for Gina Rinehardt, before or after the election? This government is already working for the gas industry rather than the citizens.

  5. It would appear that the efforts of some to form another political party and obtain the status of opposition has failed.
    There goes at the same time the financial incentives (sought by some) to start the party as well.
    It would also appear that point scoring by an independent elected member, claiming the high ground, on the back of the work by others, “the un-wielding mighty four Alice Springs councillors” is also the order of the day for the current sittings of the Legislative Assembly.
    Alice Springs is not attracting positive media about the hard working community members or its efforts to stand against a dictatorial NT Labor Government when it comes to protecting its community icons like ANZAC Oval.
    It would appear from the outside looking in, that the township is poorly represented at the moment on all fronts and only exacerbated by the negative press both nationally and internationally.
    I believe Alice Springs could be represented by people who genuinely have the community as their first and only priority.
    Better represented in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly and better represented in Federal Politics.
    In my opinion, the current status quo is not working in the best interest if Alice Springs.

  6. The government’s own advisory committee didn’t propose the Anzac Oval site as a possible location for the art centre.
    Does anyone know who did propose it? Was it a local business person, or someone from the government?

  7. Neil, the government formed a group to advise them where would be the best site for the gallery.
    Half way through they, the Government, ask them to consider the Anzac Hill site. They did, and rejected it for several reason, all stated in the report.
    I don’t have the report in front of me, but reasons for rejection were, the area was prone to flooding, there were sacred sites near by and I think lack of parking.

  8. Chief Minister stay strong.
    Do not allow a minority to ruin the future of Alice. A vision that is part of our town’s future.
    Stay firm.
    Anzac Oval is the perfect place.

  9. I still dont see how the rugby oval can’t fit in front of the gallery. Looking at their image of the design, the playing ground would fit.
    Anyway, the next move will be to fence the joint.

  10. @ Janet Brown, Posted October 31, 2018 at 6:17pm.
    With respect, but there is a delicious irony in your vocal support of Mr Gunner’s ALP government.

  11. Give it to Katherine, this is dragging on to long. If people are going to complain take it away from them, Mr Gunner. Then they will complain that the Government doesn’t care about the Alice. I can’t believe I agree with Janet Brown. This is a first!

  12. Janet Brown: What majority want this? Asking a thousand people out of 25 thousand doesn’t constitute a majority in my arithmetic!

  13. Mister Gunner is playing with words, splitting hair.
    Normally a precinct is a building and its boundary like a school precinct: building and playground. Vehicles cannot enter a precinct (except service vehicles).
    An oval is a play/sport ground. Part of our oval will become included in the precinct and the rest will be car parks joined to the gallery precinct.
    It will not be big enough for a large tourist bus, caravans and the local wishing to park near the CBD.

  14. Seems neither side is listening to the other or the rate payers of Alice Springs. Yes, it is sides, the Berrimah Line is defiantly still up and ignored by northern folks when there is a reason to.

  15. Why is it that long time residents’ opinions are totaly ignored by the “we’re here to make a quick buck before we move somewhere else” crowd?
    Things we don’t want changed are changed by them and then they bugger off somewhere else, leaving us with their mess and loss of town character.


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