Saturday, February 8, 2025

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HomeIssue 2Bones are going sky high

Bones are going sky high

The bones that are going to “revitalise” the CBD have just gone up in price by a factor of almost three.
Government handout, December 1, 2017: Local Alice Springs construction company Scope Building has been awarded the $1.5m contract to fit-out of the exhibition space for the creation of the Megafauna Display Centre in the Todd Street Mall that will showcase Central Australia’s unique fossil heritage.
Minister for Tourism and Culture, Lauren Moss said this important program of works was part of the Territory Labor Government’s $20 million revitalisation of the Alice Springs CBD.
Government handout, April 24, 2018: Work is underway on the Territory Labor Government’s $4.26m investment to relocate and display the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory palaeontology collection in the Alice Springs CBD.
Member for Namatjira, Chansey Paech said the display will support the revitalisation of the Alice Springs CBD, offer a new and exciting drawcard for tourists and provide a boost to local jobs.
As the lady with the red hair would be saying: “Please explain.”
IMAGE from the NT Government.
UPDATE 1:46pm April 26:
The Department of Tourism and Culture provided the following information:
The total budget allocation to support the Alcoota Megafauna project is $4.565m.
$2.765m to establish the Alcoota Megafauna Fossil Exhibition in Alice Springs which includes funding for operations and lease arrangements.
$1.5m for the capital works project in 2017-18 associated with the fit out of the exhibition, subsequently increased by $0.3 million for total fit of$1.8m.


  1. I cannot help but wonder what numeral will we be multiplying the costs for the National Indigenous Art Gallery by.
    Methinks the Member for Namatjira must be glad that this will revitalise the CBD and as a bonus offer a new and exciting draw-card for tourists and provide a boost to local jobs. I also think his head is firmly in the sand.

  2. Erwin, it would be worth inquiring what procurement method was employed on this contract and if it was an open tender process.
    If not, why not? How many prices did they receive? Who signed off on a closed tender process? Do select tenders provide the best value for the tax payer?

  3. Does Mr Paech really believe that? If so can he please resign and someone with common sense please take his spot? Jeez.
    Mark my words, two months after it opens there will be no extra foot traffic and it will just be a sad experiment, much like millions spent putting a road back in there.
    I also give it a month before there are broken windows.


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