Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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HomeIssue 1Ailing economy needs on-shore gas, says Opposition

Ailing economy needs on-shore gas, says Opposition

p2239-Gary-HigginsBy ERWIN CHLANDA
“Development of a best practice regulated on-shore gas industry will provide an unmatched economic driver for the Territory and for Territorians,” says Opposition Leader Gary Higgins (pictured) as the release of the fracking inquiry’s final report draws near.
He is making no mention of social licence.
“Big projects need to be income producing projects. The forward-looking indicators in the CommSec State of the States report, including population growth, housing finance trends and a downturn in business investment (equipment), are extremely worrying.
“It is time for the Chief Minister and his Labor government to deliver its economic plan for Territorians, and explain the detail and the dollars. The government needs to explain how it is going to turn the economy around, and when,” he says.
“Now is not the time to be introducing new taxes or increasing the cost of living and doing business.”
Mr Higgins says approving the proposed $40m project at the Darwin International Airport must be top of the Labor government’s agenda for 2018.
“The previous CLP government had a plan to diversify the economy. When Labor came to power in 2016, construction was 21% of Northern Territory output. It is now 11%.
“The Northern Territory remains in seventh position behind all states and territories except Western Australia, a significant fall since the fourth position previously held in October 2016.
“It is time to hang out the open for business sign and get the money flowing into Territorian’s pockets, via big projects and local jobs.
“We must let businesses know we welcome them to the Territory,” said Mr Higgins.


  1. Mr Higgins, the sign you propose is “we are suckers” is it not? People like you Higgins, are the type who allow any foreigner in to do whatever they please as long as they can flash a wad of money.

  2. Mr Higgins. At a recent forum in Katherine you stated that you would always vote in accordance with the wishes of your constituents.
    When you were informed that the Member for Katherine Sandra Nelson would abstain from voting on the fracking issue because her view conflicted with that of the Labor Party, you desribed that as a chickenshit way out.
    I understand that the majority of the constituents of your electorate are opposed to fracking but it seems that you are going to vote in support of lifting the moratorium.
    How would you describe this action of yours? Is it not a betrayal of your constitients?

  3. Who is in Opposition with this bloke? Rarely hear from any one, and when you do it’s ill thought out rubbish like this.

  4. Open for business, yes, but not at any cost, Mr Higgins.
    Fracking is nothing less than selling out the Territory for meagre short-term financial benefits to locals, but long-term costs as we are left with the clean-up and the ongoing risk to our environment and water supply.
    Not a wise economic decision at all, I think.

  5. Why risk fracking? Solar is clean.
    Tourism growth via Darwin / Alice Springs Airports promo is smart.

  6. Oh dear! But then we all knew it was bound to come to this.
    Higgins wants to frack, Gunner does too, although he has not quite found the gumption to admit it. And our very own Member for Lingiari? Has he poked his head above the parapet yet? I’ll bet not, but do feel free to show me wrong.
    And they wonder why we are sick of the lot of them.

  7. Exactly, Hal Duell. To me it’s a no brainer. Australia is awash in gas, only problem is most goes overseas.
    No fracking in NT!
    Where are politicians of guts nowadays? All they seem to be worried about is how they are going via social media.
    If someone had the guts to stay true to their promises and ride out the social media shit they might be surprised with the support they would get.
    Or am I wrong?

  8. “And they wonder why we are sick of the lot of them.”
    No because every elections, like cattle going to the abattoirs, we go to the polling booths. We go from Liberal to Labor, back to Liberal, back to Labor. They put money in their pocket, get good jobs after been defeated while Australia goes down the drain.
    Nothing will change until we refuse to be sheep.
    We do not need fracking for creating jobs our wise leaders have a policy: Australia’s premier defense integrator today welcomed the release of the Government’s new defense export strategy.
    Raytheon Australia Managing Director, Michael Ward, said: “The new policy further demonstrates the Government’s priority to use defense industry as a key driver of innovation and jobs.”
    Some of us sheep will be slaughtered with our own weapons.
    God Save Australia.

  9. What’s happened with Inquiries in other states?
    Victoria’s Inquiry 2015 recommended a permanent ban on fracking. Recommendations were fully implemented and now their wind industry is employing 5000 people, building the largest windfarm in the world.
    South Australia Inquiry 2016 (SE of state) concluded no social license, so no fracking, and now SA has installed the largest battery in the world.
    WA – 2015 Inquiry concluded regulation was okay. In 2018 they have just started a new fracking Inquiry.
    NT (Hawke 2014) concluded fracking was okay. Now we have a new inquiry.
    Let’s have a conclusive finding: there is no social license. Fracking deters investment in renewables, and a permanent ban will let us join the leaders.

  10. These people still flogging a dead horse? They go out backwards with the biggest thump and they are still proposing venues that are out of favor with the voters?
    Must be all the humidity?

  11. R Henry: I agree, they MUST know the majority of people don’t want fracking, yet they persist.
    It would seem that what’s left of the CLP here is a constant re run of dumb and dumber.
    Having said that it worries me that the Opposition is … just not an Opposition.

  12. Mr. Higgins you are a dinosaur. No-one wants fracking except those with vested interests. We want renewables. End of story.

  13. The [Opposition Leader] says the ailing economy needs onshore gas. Unfortunately all it would take is one accident and then onshore will become the only economy.
    The mining industry is renowned for accidents, and when they happen, they are massive. Look at the tight regulations we already have and look at the burning rock pile and contamination of the McArthur River.
    The Exxon Valdez, Piper Alpha.
    This is despite tight regulations and safety measures in place. Risk assessments look at what could happen, and the outcome if it does happen. Considering we only have one source of water, an accident would have a catastrophic effect.
    The advantage of this one, does not outweigh the risks. If the cement casing or collar does fail, the amount of toxins that would go into our water supply would be massive due to the pressures it is pumped in at.
    The damage would already be done before any response could be activated. Find another source of income, we pay you enough, do your job.

  14. No we do absolutely NOT need more fracking / onshore gas. Comments here are correct about most of it being exported overseas anyway.
    We need clean air, clean water and clean earth to live on now and in the future.
    Stop being so shortsighted politicians.
    Don’t be ignorant to the risks we’re telling you about and there is so much proven scientific evidence!
    Read it, watch it and act for your children and grandchildren.
    We don’t need money, can’t eat or drink that!

  15. You can’t trust the CLP and you can’t trust NT Labor. Both want to frack.
    The talk of an economic boom does not take into consideration the cost of remediating well failures now or into the future.
    There is a world wide glut of gas. There are gas reserves being sat on by the same companies baying for the right to frack the NT, in other states in Australia and the Bass Strait.
    There is no gas reservation policy in the NT. There is no downstreaming or proposed value adding to any gas produced in the NT.
    None of the gas fracking models take into consideration the extraction, capturing, storing, transporting or remediating any oils extracted during the process.
    Wet gas is common, condensates are valuable – but need a different management strategy to dry gas – not mentioned any where.
    Higgins deserves to look like what he is: His party flounders with internal quarrelling, they can’t even organise a central council meeting. They haven’t had a president long enough in the seat to attend one, or general secretary for that matter.
    They are as much an opposition as they are electable.
    1 Territory will ban fracking when elected, make no mistake, the majority of Territorians don’t want fracking. They are just not being listened to.


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