Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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HomeIssue 5Jacinta's power plans moving forward

Jacinta's power plans moving forward

2453 pedal power mobile chargerBy ERWIN CHLANDA
The town council is moving forward with its foray into electricity generation proposed by Cr Jacinta Price, with the added expectation that street kids will re-direct their energies from smashing windows to producing green power.
Wayward youngsters are suspected of charging up their digital devices from public power points at Anzac Oval.
Because of rampant vandalism in the area the council will now be turning them off during certain hours.
But the council has already made enquiries with the Great Outdoor Gym Company in Brisbane for the supply of two pedal-powered mobile phone chargers, similar to the one pictured.
The model shown in our report yesterday is a “bespoke” model for Darling Harbour, according to the company’s Paul Hemmings.
The venture will no doubt spark another frenetic financial debate in town hall: Aspiring providers of money advice at $5000 a pop, take note.
Mr Hemming says the company’s basic model costs about $4900, ex-Brisbane.
According to Territory Generation the cost for charging a mobile phone is about one cent per day, depending on model.
At that rate the price of these pedal generators is the equivalent of the cost of charging a mobile phone for 1342 years.
That of course doesn’t include any repairs resulting from vandalism.
Declaration of no interest: The Alice Springs News Online is not charging the town council for this financial advice.


  1. Clearly you can become a councillor without having passed basic maths.
    Ms Price is well on the way to becoming a polly and has very low and unrealistic expectations!
    Perhaps her comment was ad-libbed, but then she has no right to make light of a serious situation.
    It is moronic suggestions like this, that take away the impetus of the real issues.
    Focus on the core issues and “other” things will be resolved at the same time.

  2. The smarter youths buy better or extra charging cords.
    For charger plates prices start around $15 for Australian wall plates with 4 x USB chargers all to Australian Standards.
    Why not replace existing wall plates with USB charging ports to charge smart phones, iPhone, Ppad, Samsung, tablets, and other 5V USB compatible products.
    New ones mostly 4 plugins, probably some 2 plugin plates still around, most are fire retardant and anti-corrosion.
    $15 packages includes 1 x 4 usb wall plate, 2 x mounting screws.

  3. First off, I don’t have the answer, and I don’t want to be negative,
    But, really I can just see all the naughty boys and girls queuing up to pedal away to expend all that energy they would otherwise use to get up to no good … NOT.
    Dare I say put some in, spend thousands of ratepayers money and I’d bet (and I’m not a gambler) in a period of time they would be trashed, and taken away to the too hard basket. All’s the pity.


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