Sir – Preceding the next COAG Standing Council on Energy and Resources meeting, 79 farmers, landholders and traditional owners from across Australia have written to Minister for Resources Josh Frydenberg and the State Ministers calling on them to give landholders the right to say no to mining.
[Veto rights are already in existence for Aborigines in the NT owning about half of its landmass under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act.]
This call is extreme and unnecessary and would deter mining and exploration investment in Australia.
There are already existing robust approval processes in place to protect Native Title and cultural heritage values.
Mineral exploration and mining is heavily regulated to protect the range of stakeholders. Companies are required to prepare extensive stakeholder engagement plans and work with relevant farmers, landholders and traditional owners.
Many mineral exploration and mining companies negotiate good working relationships and can coexist with stakeholders.
Whilst the demands are currently related to coal and unconventional gas, any changes to the power of veto could set an extremely worrying precedent for all other commodities.
The existing regulations have enabled the industry to provide significant economic benefits to traditional owners and all Australians.
AMEC calls on Minister Frydenberg and the COAG Energy Council to acknowledge the current systems in place for negotiating land access arrangements between companies and landholders.
More prescriptive or extreme arrangements are not required and will significantly damage investment in the mineral resources industry.
Simon Bennison (pictured)
Association of Mining and Exploration Companies (AMEC)
Hey Simon, perhaps when you mob start paying your taxes and properly repairing the damage you have done maybe – repeat maybe – we will start listening to you. Until then, you have nothing.
You say many companies negotiate “good working relationships” – name three who have then kept up their side of the bargain.
Until you can, let’s talk about Redbank, Peko, Mount Todd, Rum Jungle, even Hatches Creek and what the hell did happen out in the Georgina?
The fact you have Ron Kelly carrying your can in the Territory says everything.
Spot on “Barkley Magpie”. Trouble is, it’s not just the big issues the miners don’t do the right thing on, and consequently leave mayhem behind them for the pastoralists.
Such things as track rehab that consists of nothing more than a branch or goondie placed across the start of their soilcon disasters, or small aquifers damaged by their dodgy drillers, the list is long and depressing.