The government is continuing the planning and design for the Sadadeen Connector Road which will also provide better flood access to the Mt Johns Valley area.
It will link Stephens Road in the eastern golf course estate via a saddle in the Sadadeen Range with the Sadadeen Valley Road near the Y.
The Department of Transport and Works is calling tenders for an “options analysis to determine the best value for money solution,” says a spokeswoman.
“Detailed design will be undertaken on the final option and stakeholder consultation will be a part of the planning process.
“Once the planning, consultation and design work are done, the final agreed project will be tendered for construction.
“This is estimated to be about 12 months away, and is dependent on the outcomes of the planning and consultation process.
The scope of study is limited to east of the Alice Springs CBD.
The Request for Quotation (RFQ) asks for concept planning to provide better access to and from the Mt John Valley area during flood events.
The RFQ states that the successful tenderer should look at, but not be limited to, potential options such as:–
• A new Sadadeen connector road that will provide a link to the existing high level Stott Terrace bridge.
• A new high level bridge adjacent to the existing Stephen Road causeway crossing (known as Taffy Pick).
In addition, these options assessment need to consider future duplication of South Terrace and Stuart Highway through the Heavitree Gap, says the spokeswoman.
Finally some movement. Open the connector road that runs up through the old power station and drop the Taffy Pick crossing back to its original riverbed level.
When the river is flowing and the causeways are cut Stott Terrace gets backed up with traffic all the way to the Undoolya Road roundabout and beyond. Is putting more traffic onto this road a good idea?
We could always upgrade the casino bridge that holds the water flow up and causes the flooding – might be cheaper than building a ring road!