Sir – The crime statistics prove that the CLP Government have broken their election promise to reduce crime.
Yesterday’s crime statistics prove what Territorians already know – violent crime is on the rise in the Territory. 2013 was the highest year in crime against the person in the history of the Territory.
Overall crime against the person has gone up 10.8 per cent in the Territory.
These statistics again point out the major flaw in the CLP Government’s alcohol policy – there is nothing stopping problem drinkers from purchasing alcohol.
The 20.2 per cent rise in alcohol related assault in Darwin completely debunks the claim by Chief Minister Adam Giles that there isn’t a problem with alcohol in the Territory.
The CLP Government try to claim that because alcohol consumption is on the down their alcohol policies are working.
The CLP try and claim victory when alcohol consumption is down – although the violent drinkers keep drinking and offending. This is akin to saying when motor vehicle sales are down, so is the road toll – absurd.
In the Chief Minister’s hometown of Alice Springs assault was up 9.6 per cent.
Adam Giles has his head completely in the sand when he claims Alice Springs has no crime, his decision to scrap youth services that prevent crime was a mistake.
The CLP can’t have it both ways, when crime goes down they credit increased policing and when crime goes up they blame increased policing.
Michael Gunner
Shadow Attorney General and Shadow Minister for Justice