Wednesday, February 12, 2025

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HomeIssue 32Builders to get say on insurance laws

Builders to get say on insurance laws

Sir – A representative from Deloittes Sydney (Lizzie Simpson) will be in Alice Springs on Tuesday, December 17 to explain her recommendations about residential builders insurance. The meeting will be at 4.30pm at a venue to be decided. The recommendations are due to go before Cabinet next year.
This meeting will be the only chance builders have of talking to a review panel representative face to face before the recommendations go to Cabinet. We need all to attend the meeting to show how this decision will affect our lives and livelihood and the industry in general.
We only have one chance to change this legislation and this is the opportunity for us to get answers to our questions and put forward our concerns that the recommendations are right for the future of our industry.
At this stage a room for 10 attendees has been offered. I require your RSVP by email or phone as soon as possible as I would like to organise a larger venue but this will depend on numbers.
There has been a lot of discussion recently about the seriousness of the legislation and the effects on residential builders and the Industry as a whole.
We really need to have as many people as possible at the meeting. Pass this information on to anyone you know that would be interested in attending.
Jamie de Brenni (pictured)

0418 890 157


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