Thursday, February 13, 2025

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HomeIssue 15More peace in public housing

More peace in public housing

Sir – Public Housing Safety Officers had improved the lives of many Territory Housing tenants and their neighbours.
In one year the officers have come across 8525 incidents while on patrol and responded to 5697 complaints – that’s an average of 1.6 responses required every hour.
The 15 safety officers in Darwin and six in Alice Springs work co-operatively with tenants, visitors, neighbours and social services to find solutions when antisocial behaviour affects lives.
Tenants and nearby neighbours say there has been a remarkable change in the level of safety around their homes since the officers were appointed a year ago.
They were a first in Australia and a key part of the Public Housing Safety Strategy, which also includes the Three Strikes Policy that has resulted in 18 evictions.
In their first year of operation the officers have:-
• Responded to 5697 complaints, with 3471 being received via the Police Assistance Line.
• Attended 8525 incidents and removed more than 10,400 unwanted persons.
• Banned  241 people from public housing for up to 12 months.
• Tipped out more than 600 litres of alcohol and seized 14 dangerous items.
Peter Chandler
Minister for Housing


  1. Two complaints – toss them out. No second chance.
    Get a job and pay private rent. Public housing should not be for life.


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