Sir – The NT Government to release its mandatory rehabilitation legislation for public consultation prior to the next Parliamentary sittings in mid-May.
On April 11 the government announced it would introduce legislation in the next Parliamentary sittings to require repeat problem drinkers to undertake mandatory alcohol treatment.
APO NT believes it is vital for key stakeholders to be provided with an opportunity to consider the legislation, and to provide feedback on the impacts and workability of rolling-out this unprecedented scheme, to demonstrate that this is about health outcomes not politics the NT Government needs to release this legislation for public consultation.
There are unacceptably high levels of alcohol related harm in the NT and alcohol is affecting the health of our peoples.
We agree strong action needs to be taken to address this harm, however we believe action must be evidence-based.
The legislative changes will significantly impact on a number of important stakeholders who have an interest in what will happen once this legislation becomes a reality.
This includes significant resourcing implications, particularly for legal aid services.
Priscilla Collins, CEO
Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT
The government tabled mandatory rehabilitation legislation then needs to allow reasonable time for consultation and public discussion before legislative debate and decision.
Responsible government needs an informed community.