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HomeUncategorizedMcFarlane goes down the path of a dual society

McFarlane goes down the path of a dual society


In my view Blair McFarlane’s policies are short on policy suggestions – besides they need more funding for the Basics Card.

It is dependence on government to provide failing solutions again!

There is no mention of the essential importance of education and the need for employment to reduce the devastating impact of a welfare based society and how these vital areas can be improved.

Employment needs to be driven by more joint venture and partnership arrangements with the mainstream business community.

There is no mention of the key role and responsibility of Aboriginal organisations in assisting overcome the major social issues.

I don’t think the problems will be solved by throwing more government money at the problems.

The results of such approaches are clear over an extended time.

This would have further and continuing impacts on an almost dysfunctional Territory Budget.

The fundamentals need to be tackled to build self-reliance in partnership with the wider community institutions.

Currently, with an increasing size and influence of Aboriginal organisations, receiving large amounts of government funding, we are proceeding down the path of a dual society.

 This can be expected to further increase dysfunction and division, as we can see in Alice Springs.

In addition, there is no mention on vast amounts of government welfare money spent on alcohol – although perhaps this is envisioned with the Basics Card. This is essential.

Many would argue that poverty is self-inflicted in many cases. Australia is at the international forefront in the very high level of resources provided to Aboriginal people.

It is not clear that if resources were doubled they wouldn’t end up badly misdirected and mis-spent.

Policies are needed to deal with excessive alcohol abuse. Those with severe alcohol problems almost inevitably suffer from poverty.


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