Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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HomeIssue 642 mm great, but some annoyance

42 mm great, but some annoyance

Veteran tour operator and Eastside resident Charlie Carter says there has been “42 mm of steady rain over night” – brilliant news.

However, as nothing is ever perfect, the “Lake in the Lane” leading from Lindsay Avenue to the back of Ross Park School has formed again.

“Saw one parent carrying a child across it this morning.

“I’ve been on to the council about it for years but no result,” says Dr Carter.

“It is also the rear access to my place, heavily used.”

The News is asking the council for comment.

UPDATE 2:40pm

Heavy weekend rain has propelled Alice Springs to its wettest wet season in a decade after an earlier rain band this month nudged the tally then to slightly above average, says the Bureau of Metereology.

“The last time it rained this much in southern NT was during the 2010-11 wet season, also a La Niña event.

“So far this season 276.6mm of rain has fallen at Alice Springs’ airport rain gauge. This is above the wet season average of 213.4mm and is the highest total since 491.4mm was recorded for the entire 2010-11 wet season.

“Rain has eased in Alice Springs this morning, with some light drizzle expected this afternoon. A partly cloudy day is in store for the town tomorrow with a slight chance of a shower,” says BOM.

“In Alice Springs 50mm of rain fell in Alice Springs overnight until 9am this morning. Nearby 57mm was recorded at Mount Lloyd and 48mm in the Finke River while in the Lasseter District 52.2mm was recorded at Curtin Springs.”


  1. I thought we had 4 seasons in Alice Springs not a wet and a dry season. Are you guys from the tropics? I guess. Would like a lot more rain yet.

  2. @ David: You are correct.
    This stuff is ignorant, arrogant, appalling, totally incorrect, and the usual Berrimah Line Bullshit: “Heavy weekend rain has propelled Alice Springs to its wettest wet season in a decade.”
    “The last time it rained this much in southern NT was during the 2010-11 wet season.”
    “This is above the wet season average of 213.4mm.”
    I just don’t expect it from the BOM.
    We do not have a wet season!
    Surely there is someone there in Lotus Land that can see the map, and the data, and realise that Central Australia is not in the tropical monsoon area.
    We get on average about 60% of our rain in the warmer six months.
    And 40% in the cooler six months.
    But sometimes we go all summer with no rain.
    And sometimes we go all winter with no rain.
    This merits a mea culpa and a very humble apology to the people of Central Australia from the Bureau of Meteorology.


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