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HomeIssue 18Government corporation bids for Kilgariff Two

Government corporation bids for Kilgariff Two

The applicant for a direct sale of the land for Kilgariff Stage Two is the NT Government-owned Land Development Corporation (LDC) which is also the developer of Stage One.
Alice Springs News file photo.
The application was advertised last week to see if there were any other bidders.
A spokesman for the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics says it “undertook a financial assessment of Kilgariff Stage Two which demonstrated that the continued development of Kilgariff by the LDC would allow for the delivery of an uninterrupted supply of affordable residential land parcels to the Alice Springs market.
“Therefore, on 6 December 2019, Government accepted an application for the direct sale of Crown land from the Land Development Corporation to enable delivery of Kilgariff Stage Two.”
Asked why the advertisement was published 12 days before Christmas, with the closing date the day after a Friday Boxing Day, the spokesman said the application was advertised “at the first opportunity … in accordance with the Department’s normal procedure”.

The Stage Two land was denuded some time ago (above) leading to significant dust hazard (below).



  1. “Asked why the advertisement was published 12 days before Christmas, with the closing date the day after a Friday Boxing Day, the spokesman said the application was advertised “at the first opportunity … in accordance with the Department’s normal procedure”.
    Now ain’t that the truth – “the Department’s normal procedure” over the summer holiday break, as has been in practice by agencies of the NT Government for decades.
    Open, honest and accountable government, anyone?

  2. I hope Stage Two is for larger blocks that allow for backyards unlike what looks like 550sqm to 600sqm homes on 700 to 780sqm blocks.
    The houses there are practically taking up the entire block and appear to be too close to neighbouring homes.
    How can one have cross ventilation of breezes and natural shade of trees on the existing blocks? They can’t!
    Whilst some may have solar panels on roof tops, energy consumption for cooling must be crazy with all that concrete and metal.


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