Territory Opposition Leader Gary Higgins says today’s Budget is reckless and foolhardy.
“The unprecedented level of net debt, set to soar to $4.5b in 2018-19 is quite simply, a terrible legacy for the Territory and Territorians. The NT is on a pathway to insolvency under this Labor government.
“To hear that the Territory will be saddled with a $7.5b net debt by 2021-22, is frightening, as is hearing that Territorians will be paying $1.4m per day in interest payments,” says Mr Higgins (pictured) in a media release.
“Since coming to government in 2016, Labor has failed to manage the economy, failed to grow the Territory population and create jobs and today, well and truly proven that they can’t even manage a budget, let alone spend it’s much lauded record infrastructure spend.
“Today’s announcement to attract young women to the Northern Territory is welcome, except, as usual the Labor government has no plan and clearly has failed to consider the very real community safety concerns and increasing rates of crime that are plaguing the Northern Territory.
“Labor’s pursuit of young women to boost the Territory’s population should first include addressing the increasing cost of living in the Northern Territory, including the spiralling cost of fuel.
“The Opposition welcomes measures that incentivise additional employment opportunities for Territorians, however, given Labor’s pathetic track record on increasing jobs so far, the devil will be in the detail.
“Rather than ruling out fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) workers as new Territorians, Labor should instead consider trying to attract existing FIFO workers to put down their roots in the NT.
“There could also be unintended consequences of simply whipping out FIFO workers, with some FIFO roles currently filling positions that can’t be staffed with locals.”