Monday, September 9, 2024

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HomeIssue 6Lambley wants ALP probed on Dan Murphy's

Lambley wants ALP probed on Dan Murphy's

p1845lambleyrobynLETTER TO THE EDITOR
Sir – I asked the Chief Minister in Parliament yesterday to provide details of all political donations provided to the NT ALP by people connected to the NT alcohol industry, in the lead up to the August 2016 election.
I gave all cabinet ministers 24 hour notice of this request. But still the Chief Minister chose not to provide this information.
I also censured the government for their lack of honesty and openness in their decision to restrict the floor space of takeaway liquor outlets thereby banning Dan Murphy’s from coming to Darwin.
It appears that the Gunner government introduced legislation in Parliament that identically reflected a policy of the Australian Hotels Association of the NT, in exchange for substantial political donations.
The Chief Minister [also] failed to provide proof that the decision to restrict the floor space of takeaway liquor outlets to 400m2 was an ALP policy before being approached by the AHA.
They have failed their own pledge of acting with honesty and integrity. Questions need to be answered on the entire process of government introducing legislation to Ban the Dan.
I will be referring this matter to the Political Donations Inquiry and the new Independent Commission Against Corruption in 2018 when it commences operation.
Robyn Lambley (pictured)
Independent Member for Araluen


  1. Just to put it on the record. I am not a supporter of the CLP nor Labor, and I have no intention of moving to Darwin.

  2. It beggars belief that the Government won’t allow a legal business from opening up with whatever size shop they want!
    By saying no and especially limiting floor space they are essential calling all Territorians irresponsible drunks that can’t control themselves.
    I would be absolutely shocked if there wasn’t some back door dealing going on.
    I don’t drink much but even I can see the benefit of having more businesses around, good for competition and gives local people jobs!
    Come on build / grow the Territory (which if I’m not mistaken is you job). Don’t tell the Territory not to build / grow and stay small, which is essentially what they are saying.

  3. It is sad to see our politicians and the media wasting time on this issue. Alcohol is a problem Territory wide. We don’t need more alcohol outlets. Who is benefiting by supporting Dan Murphy?


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