Saturday, January 11, 2025

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HomeIssue 5Few prisoners in Sentenced to a Job scheme

Few prisoners in Sentenced to a Job scheme

2454 Alice prison OKBy ERWIN CHLANDA
There were 543 people in the Alice Springs gaol as of midnight last Sunday, 500 men and 43 women.
About 87% are Aboriginal.
As of yesterday, 12 – a little more than 2% – were in paid employment under the Sentenced to a Job program. 17 were in volunteer employment.
Aborigines made up 94% of those in paid employment, and 100% of volunteer employment.
The illustration is from Google Earth. Like with Pine Gap, the details are blurred, for security reasons presumably.


  1. Is there a story here or are you just appealing to the statistically inclined ??????????????? What a strange news item.

  2. Hi Laurence,
    The astute among our readers link this information to our reports dealing with crime, punishment, rehabilitation, justice, court cases, and so on.
    I hope this helps.
    Erwin Chlanda, Editor

  3. Hi Erwin, whilst the numbers may be correct, the percentages do require some balance.
    Only open rated prisoners are eligible to participate in the employment program, paid, volunteer and community work parties.
    63% of eligible prisoners were engaged in the employment program on this date. 14% were engaged in paid.
    [ED Hi Tim, the information we published was supplied to us by the Government upon request we made for comment.]


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