Sir – The NT Government has spent over $500m this financial year, as part of the record $1.5b infrastructure program.
More than $33 million was awarded in infrastructure projects last month to upgrade National Parks and coastal reserves, sporting facilities and other vital infrastructure throughout the Territory.
In March, 40 contracts valued at over $33m were awarded.
Since 1 July 2015, NT Government has expended $351m through the Capital Works program, $25m through the Minor New Works program, $111m through the Repairs and Maintenance program, and $17m on non-program works for various tiers of Government and private sector projects.
Over 97% of government infrastructure tenders have been awarded to local companies.
In March this included: Casuarina Coastal Reserve Upgrades – Rusca Bros Services Pty Ltd; Alice Springs Netball Stadium – Scope Building NT; Litchfield National Park – Tolmer Falls Upgrades – McMahon Services Australia (NT); Katherine East – Water and Sewer Headworks – BMD Urban Pty Ltd.
The bulk of the work is being delivered by small to medium businesses, with significant injections into the Northern Territory’s economy, providing a consistent pipeline of works to the construction industry.
Peter Chandler
Minister for Infrastructure