Sunday, February 16, 2025

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HomeIssue 10Men's vital role in protecting children

Men's vital role in protecting children

An impassioned plea for the protection of children was the message of prominent Aboriginal spokesman William Tilmouth at the NAIDOC march and gathering this morning.
Flanked by six grandchildren on the bank of the Todd, after a march down Todd Mall, he  told a crowd of about 250 that too many children are exposed to alcohol and violence in their homes, and are being damaged by seeing their parents fighting.
If children need to be removed then they should go to carefully selected kinship care, or foster care in Aboriginal families, so that Aboriginal tradition can survive through the young people of today. We need them to “learn and pass on our rich culture”.
It’s the biggest challenge facing Aboriginal society, and “governments cannot address it without us,” said Mr Tilmouth.p2254-NAIDOC-2
Even brief daily interventions can make a difference, and preschool attendance is vital.
He said help from men in this effort is crucial: “They need to play a role.”
Angry Aboriginal men can be very threatening, and many finish up in overcrowded jails: “It’s not much of a Territory lifestyle to be behind bars,” he said, and there is nothing tough about being powerless in a prison. “You never get back your years in jail.”
It’s men who can stop the abuse, the domestic violence, the abuse of children.
“Love does not give you power as the man of the house.”p2254-NAIDOC-Tilmouth-2
Mr Tilmouth deplored the lack of progress in Aboriginal affairs, going down hill from the time the handful of sand had been given to “that old man” in Lajamanu: Rights had been whittled away in the “control of land, where we live, even our income. All that’s left is our right to remain silent”.
At the end of Mr Tilmouth’s speech, his granddaughter Anthea Tilmouth took the microphone and said: “Help families.”
Earlier in the rally Sheralee Fitz and Chansey Paech said Alice Springs, on this NAIDOC Day, is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Ayers Rock being handed back to Anangu, while the celebration’s national theme is “We all stand on sacred ground.”
p2254-NAIDOC-5PHOTOS from top: Mr Tilmouth with grandchildren • the march down the mall • Anthea Tilmouth • a BBQ with a difference: kangaroo tail.


  1. Excellent. You should be proud of yourself covering this, congratulations to all concerned.
    First major event to use its platform focus on children as victims and not join the choir for women. They get focus at the cost of the truth. If you focus on one part of a problem you can’t fix the overall problem. Well done, Mr Tilmouth.

  2. I would have to say that William Tilmouth is a inspiration and a credit to society, and I can only say, well done!
    I would take my hat off to this man. Keep it up. Slim Fred.

  3. Thanks for the speech John Boffa oops I meant Mr Tilmouth. It’s great to hear you talk about the positives of our national day.
    It is a time to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history, culture and achievements and is an opportunity to recognise the contributions that Indigenous Australians make to our country and our society so thanks for brighten the mood at the celebration.
    From my observations the only person who was excited enough to clap and recite the words was ol Johnny Boi…..

  4. Pamela Nathan: Sounds like an inspiring speech, William. Men have a very important role in developing secure attachments and safe homes for children and families.


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