Monday, February 17, 2025

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HomeIssue 4Anti social conduct outside Memo Club eased

Anti social conduct outside Memo Club eased

Anti-social behaviour outside Memo Club is no longer a significant issue since police have “proactively engaged with management to ensure compliance with security and licensing requirements,” says police spokesman Simon Eldridge.
“The situation has improved considerably since just prior to Christmas last year with management providing improved security at the premises.”
Mr Eldridge says Temporary Beat Locations (TBL) – cops outside bottle shops – remain part of the “suite of tools” to combat anti-social behaviour.
“As the concept of TBLs has evolved, various methods of operation have been implemented such as full, strategic or partial lockdowns.
“The types of operation adopted vary from time to time depending upon overall operational requirements in the locality. TBLs also employ the use of mobile vans and motorbike patrols to target public drinking and other antisocial behaviours.”
Cops posted at liquor stores and licensed premises may not be there for an entire shift or may be redirected to other duties, such as emergency response for flooding, responding to assaults or homicides, quelling disturbances in a community or searching for missing persons.
Mr Eldridge says this has mostly proved successful in reducing violent crime in Alice Springs, comparing 2013 with 2014:-
Assault: 1942; 1453; down 25.2%.
Domestic violence related assault: 1184; 864; down 27%.
Alcohol related assault: 1390; 975, down 29.9%.
Sexual assault: 73; 54; down 26%.
House break-ins: 461; 395; down 14.3%.
Commercial break-ins: 282; 309; up 9.6%
Motor vehicle theft: 325; 280; down 13.8%.


  1. John Boffa, were are you? It may well be a concern of who you work for and who owns the Memo. A conflict of interest, maybe?

  2. Does it matter who the owners are. No one seems to care who owns any of the other liquor outlets. Is it relevant?

  3. Memo Club is the new animal bar. The owners do not care about their own. Just serving drunks to make a profit.

    The Aboriginal owned investment company Centrecorp is buying the Memorial Club building (pictured) most of which has stood empty since the club went into voluntary administration in March 2012.
    According to a well informed source, who spoke to the Alice Springs News Online on the condition of not being named, Centrecorp outbid the Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) which is one of Centrecorp’s three shareholders.
    The Central Land Council owns three shares. CAAC and Tangentyere have one each.
    The source says it understands CAAC would have moved the bulk of its operations from its current major premises further south in Gap Road to the “Memo Club”.
    The Alice Springs News Online invited Centrecorp to comment but it declined to do so.

  5. Serving grog to drunks to make a profit is pretty much what most if not all of the licencees in this town do.
    If the licence wasn’t purchased by Centrecorp or whoever it would be bought by someone else who would be selling grog to drunks to make a profit.
    Alice is one town – all the people here are part of our community. We are all here together. You should join US to help sort out the problems, not keep talking about them.

  6. Re Janet … “were are you?” … any idea what this means? Please enlighten us with this expression. Did old people really go to school and did they listen? Absolutely atrocious spelling!
    To the back corner and on with the Dunce’s cap for you!

  7. @2 are you serious? You say serving drunks grog is what all licensed premises are doing in town. How then can the problems be fixed in our community?
    Join US? The only way to fix problems is by talking about them. Just to let you know I’m out there (as you put it) working to make Alice Springs a better place for all the law abiding residents.
    If you don’t have a problem with the Memo Club situation, go have drinks there between 12 and 4pm on a weekday then sit at RFDS lawns and enjoy the entertainment until midnight – and tell me how you enjoyed it?

  8. I cannot see what the fuss is all about. This kind of behavior has been going on for the last fourty to fifty years. You cannot keep putting your head in the sand. There needs to be firm decisions made and anti-social behavior will not be tolerated.

  9. The Memorial Club in the afternoon has a major problem with drunk Aboriginals on the side walk harassing tourists and damaging vehicles in the car park across the road.
    There is a huge amount of fighting and kids being subjected to this.
    What is the Liquor Commission doing about this? Obviously nothing as drunk Aboriginals are being sold liquor.
    CentreCorp should be ashamed of themselves, as they are not helping their own people, just exploiting them for money.

  10. Does it matter who the owners are? Yes it does.
    If the Aboriginal companies own it then they are not going to lose their profit by denying the Aboriginals the right to drink there. This is despite the obviously drunk Aboriginals outside the place. The ones that get the profit deliberately ignore the distress of those who are hurt by the drunk ones.
    It used to be nice to go in there and have a bite to eat and a bit of social enjoyment but this has been ruined by those who cannot and/or will not control their own drinking and behaviour.
    By the way, to the woman who commented on the spelling mistake, does she understand that sometimes computer keyboards have keys which dont work or maybe someone just for some reason or another did not see the mistake – with touch typing that can happen.
    She apparently thinks to comment on a spelling mistake is more important that to comment on the drunken abusive behaviour that is so harmful to many.


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