Tangentyere 2


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  1. In saying Tangentyere to be more trasnparent and not by choice is the key fundamentals and functioning of an Organisation and or Association.
    This does provide funding providers and users on money / funding matters, allocations / purpose and justifies accordingly millions of dollars have gone through the doors of Tangentyere over the many years and its good to know exactly how and where its been used is commonly good practice? For CEO or Managers alike.
    It’s a pity this didn’t happen years ago as it should have and then the public of Alice Springs and Town Campers actualy see the structure of a family empire and where it stands to hold then and into the future present day.
    May cost money and time to have this done but it’s worth it instead of the unknowns where projects and grants acquitted or not? And why must this be a discrimination or a threat? Its audit is compulsary, is there something the public will find out about? Is that the issue of concern? Please do your job and for the interest of all who have a stake in Tangentyere.

  2. There needs to be accountability with [some of] these organisations.
    Black / white / brindle I don’t give a rats. But if you are expending public monies, please put my mind at rest when I see senior figures from some of these organisations pumping huge amounts of money into poker machines.
    We have seen the consequences of this type of behaviour time and time again.


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