You’ll find the answers here … no cheating, now!
1. Who was the first federal politician elected from the Northern Territory? What was the name of his seat?
2. What is unique about the early history of political representation for the Northern Territory?
3. Who was the first Member of the Northern Territory? When was he elected?
4. Who was the federal politician from the NT to serve part of his term as a POW? (What was his nickname?).
5. There are two other World War II veterans that became Territory federal politicians. Who were they?
6. Which NT federal member shares his name with Greig Pickhaver?
7. Which Territory federal members were father and son? What contrasting aspect do they share in their public lives?
8. What do the first three NT federal members share in common?
8a. What do the first three Members of the NT all share in common? But in what way was one of them different?
9. In the federal elections of 1961, Labor won the same number of seats as the Federal Coalition – so why was there no hung Parliament?
10. What is unique about NT federal member Jock Nelson’s election victory in 1963?
11. Which two NT federal members changed their party status during their periods in office?
12. Who holds the record as the longest serving politician in the NT?
13. Who holds the record as the longest serving Member of the House of Representatives? What is unique about this person’s record in office?
14. Who holds the record as the longest serving NT Senator, and what else is unique about this person to date? What factor is common to the beginning and end of this senator’s term in office?
15. Who is the only Territory politician to have served in all tiers of government (council, NT Legislative Assembly, House of Representatives, Senator, and an Administrator)?
15a. Who comes a close second?
16. Which three former NT political leaders subsequently became federal politicians?
17. What do former NT federal members Grant Tambling, John Reeves, Paul Everingham, and Nick Dondas all have in common?
17a. What else is common to Tambling, Everingham, and Dondas?
18. Who was the first NT federal politician to be appointed a minister of the Federal Government?
19. Who was the NT federal member to cross the floor of parliament – and retired from office undefeated? (What was his nickname?)
19a. Who was the Territory federal politician to refuse to cross the floor of parliament – and lost his job over it? What links the two events?
20. Who were the first two senators elected in the Northern Territory? What do they uniquely share in common?
21. What is one factor in common with all NT senators so far, regardless of which side of politics they served?
22. The election of a second NT senator has been resolved by distribution of preferences after only one election campaign. True or false?
23. What is common to former NT federal members Jock Nelson, Sam Calder, and Paul Everingham?
24. Which two NT senators retired from politics unchallenged?
25. There have been two pastoralists who have been Members of the NT? Who were they?
26. Which former Member of the NT is now a judge of the Federal Court of Australia? Who appointed him?
27. There have been two lawyers who have been Members of the NT? Who are they? What other links do they share?
28. How many NT federal politicians have union backgrounds?
29. What is common to HG Nelson, Jock Nelson, Sam Calder, Bernie Kilgariff, Grant Tambling, John Reeves, Paul Everingham, and Warren Snowdon?
30. Which three former NT federal politicians grew up in the Northern Territory but weren’t born here?