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HomeIssue 5From Little Pricks Big Pricks Grow exhibition

From Little Pricks Big Pricks Grow exhibition

It has been a hectic nine months since the inaugural LittlePricks exhibition – a change of government and some of the worst political infighting the Territory has ever seen. The CLP government is keen to move on and have us forget their antics.
But people won’t forget thanks to the keen, and perhaps cynical, eye caste over proceedings by Territory artists. While the pollies have been slugging it out our local artists have also let rip. Like many Territorians they haven’t been impressed and have put it all down in posters of photomontage, cartoons and incisive text.
Their work really makes a truth of be careful of what you say and do because, like a wily blue dog, it could come back and bite you.
The LittlePrick Editions Vol Two exhibition – From Little Pricks Big Pricks Grow – opens at Gallery Two Six, in Winnellie on April 5 and runs for 14 days.
The exhibition takes the form of magazine covers or posters, imitating the wave of lifestyle magazines that have washed over Darwin in recent years, only with headlines and images you are never likely to see.
The LittlePrick magazine derives its name from comments by a former Territory government minister on Darwin radio when he described Aboriginal children who burned an Australian flag.
Unlike Darwin’s other lifestyle magazines, the LittlePrick doesn’t buy into political, business and lifestyle “spin”; it challenges our sensibilities and asks … what are we getting ourselves into?
Curator and artist: Therese Ritchie 0419 802879


  1. Is this exhibition coming to Alice?
    [ED – The curator is Therese Ritchie at 0419 802879.]

  2. 04 April 2013
    The Country Liberals are finalising a substantial blueprint that will reduce the number of problem drunks on the street and cut alcohol abuse across the Territory.
    Alcohol Rehabilitation Minister and ex-social worker, Robyn Lambley, intimated that the final stages of the scheme are currently being locked in and that is exactly what will happen to all those shocking drunks who have the temerity to walk around in public, with no dress sense, smelling like the bush and behaving as if they’ve just escaped from Taronga Park Zoo.
    “This will be a significant policy initiative that will target problem drinkers and assist them in rehabilitating and getting off the grog,” Mrs Lambley said, but a leaked document suggests that the CLP have no intention of releasing anyone who can’t prove that they ever voted Labor.
    “Unlike the Labor Party, the Country Liberals have a plan to reduce problem drinking that:
    1. Will work
    2. Doesn’t impact on the broader community.”
    A spokesperson said that the broader community is fed up with having to explain themselves.
    “It’s not fair,” said one broad community member.
    “We don’t know what to say about it. We should be allowed to do what we like and not have to get a complex on whenever we leave the house to visit the grog shop.
    Says the leaked document: “The Labor Opposition is trying to whip up a fear campaign against alcohol treatment centres because they are concerned our policy will succeed where theirs were a dismal failure.
    “The Labor Party had 11 years to rehabilitate drunks and get problem drinkers off our streets – and were unsuccessful in both endeavours.
    “The proposed mandatory alcohol rehabilitation facilities will be secure and residents in our towns and cities will have less contact with problem drunks – not more.
    “This is in stark contrast with Labor’s Banned Drinker Register which saw problem drunks continue getting alcohol and resulted in an increase in violent crime.”
    Furthermore, the leaked document warns that any drunk who has to be rehabilitated more than once will be dealt with.
    “We haven’t worked out the details yet, but they will not be nice, but we do know that charges will have to go up some more so that we can pay for it. And don’t you worry about the Feds. We’ll take care of them like we will take care of the drunks and everybody else who votes for us. This is how it works.”


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