Saturday, March 22, 2025

The freedom of the press still furnishes that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to provide – Chicago Tribune.

Alice radar stations in global defence deal

By ERWIN CHLANDA Pine Gap isn't the Centre's only chip in the current global defence poker game.  The pot includes two antennae on the ground,...

The classroom divide

By ERWIN CHLANDA The Territory Education Department maintains statistics on racial grounds, comparing the school attendance rate of Aboriginal children with that of Non-Aboriginal children. The...

When small is beautiful

By MIKE GILLAM More frequently than I’d care to admit, I go out bush looking for specific wildlife behaviour and in the process stumble onto...

Debt, crime, gallery make heavy lifting for Bill Yan

By ERWIN CHLANDA The debt exceeding $11 billion and growing, costing the taxpayer "a million bucks a day" in interest. The number of people in...

Pine Gap: Unacceptable at any price

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Senator Jacqui Lambie’s suggestion that Australia should close Pine Gap in response to President Trump’s imposition of tariffs on Australian steel...

Land councils say Coordinator Bill should be dumped

By ERWIN CHLANDA The NT’s four Aboriginal land councils are calling for the Territory Coordinator Bill to be dumped. The Bill excludes Aboriginal people from...

It was a hot Mad March Race

By PADDY WEIR The heat didn't beat the Alice Springs Off Road Race Club (ASORRC) on the weekend: They ran the prologue of the...

Car-nage on our highways: 263 dead roos in 250 km

By Dr FIONA WALSH Why do we continue to allow and accept the deaths of animals on our roads? I recognise that global warming, wildfires...

Union asks Police Commissioner to resign

By ERWIN CHLANDA The entire executive board of the NT Police Association (NTPA) is calling upon Police Commissioner Michael Murphy to tender his resignation. This follows...

$120m owed in fines by slow payers

By ERWIN CHLANDA Four months after Parliament dealt with $121.5m in unpaid fines just $5.5m has been recovered, about 4%. There are currently “around” 206,000 outstanding...

Mandatory sentencing misfired spectacularly

By DAVID HANCOCK from his new book Decades in Darwin In 1997, the Northern Territory government commenced a regime of mandatory imprisonment for a range...

Could Hartley Street building become the new library?

Opinion by historian ALEX NELSON The transfer of Tourism Central Australia into the purpose-built premises of the Alice Springs Public Library is a done deal between...

New gun rego to compromise privacy, safety

LETTER TO THE ALICE SPRINGS NEWS Shooters in the NT recently received a letter from the police saying that as part of the Territory’s implementation...

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